The Breakfast

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"I have to go back to work on Wednesday. I gotta go home tomorrow." I uttered against Jason Voorhees' chest.

The large man didn't say anything. In fact, he hadn't said anything this whole time we had been reunited.

"I'll come back on Saturday." I said.

Jason looked down at me longingly pressed flush against his overalls. He tightened his grip on me. I yawned quietly then locked eyes with the motel bed.

"Sorry, Jacey. I'm real tired. I should get back to bed. I gotta pack tomorrow." I muttered.

Jason watched me through his eyehole as I broke away from his embrace and sat back down on the messy bed. He slowly trudged over too and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me. I cleared my throat and tucked my legs under me, sitting crosslegged. Another yawn left my lips and I covered my mouth with my bruised arm. Jason watched me and suddenly lifted the blanket up for me to curl up into.

"Oh, Jason. That's okay. I'm fine."

The man silently protested and insisted on me crawling under the covers. I sighed softly with a small smile and got under the covers.

"You should go get some sleep too. Go on, Jason. Go home. Shoo." Jason immediately stood up from the bed obediently and headed for the open window. "Jason," I said in the dark. He slowly turned his head to look back at me. "I love you, honey. Be safe out there."

Jason walked back over to the bed and sat next to me again. He moved his arms over to my face and held my cheeks in his hands. His masked face came in real close and he rested his forehead against mine.

I love you too.

I peeled my tired eyes open groggily and was met with the golden morning glow through the blinds.

"Jason." I groaned out.

He left last night before I went back to sleep but I guess he came back again. There lying on the bed next to me, Jason Voorhees slept. I sighed with a yawn and sat up carefully so I don't jostle his sleeping form next to me. I spotted the grubby teddy bear I bought him between us, and I picked it up gleefully. I stroked the matted fur and smiled sadly, looking back at the masked Jason.

I rose up from the messy sheets and walked into the kitchen, placing my cup from last night into the sink. I heard the sheets being moved around behind me but I didn't think much of it as I prepared us both breakfast. I turned around to grab something from the fridge, only to be met with a hulking Jason.

"Oh!" I squeaked as I nearly ran into his chest. "Good morning. How on earth did you get back here, mister?" I asked as I placed my hands on my hips playfully.

Jason tilted his head down shyly and stared at the floor. I giggled softly then stroked the sleeve of his flannel.

"I'm just teasing you, Jason. It's okay. Say, when was the last time you slept in a nice bed?" I slipped around him to open the fridge door. Jason didn't answer but instead watched me prepare breakfast. "Here, I'll make what you like. You still like this, right? It's been a while, huh?" I asked.

The man loomed over the counter and glanced at the breakfast I made for the two of us. Something seemed to sparkle in his eye behind the eyehole and he gently took a plate from me. I watched with a small gleam of pride as Jason sat at the table, then looking over to me, wanting me to join him.

"Just like old times." I chuckled tiredly.

I sat down at the table next to him with my own food. Jason took the burlap sack off his face without hesitation in front of me and began to politely eat, like how his mother and I taught him to.

Just like old times.

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