The Awakening

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I stared in disbelief at Jason's old bracelet that had somehow ended up on this man's wrist. Tears began to well up over my waterlines and the words I wanted to say just wouldn't come out.

"Where—where'd you find that...?" I stuttered.

I didn't bother wiping the tears away, I was too shocked. Shocked of Pamela's murders and her own death. Shocked of being back in Crystal Lake, standing on the dock that Jason was pushed off of by bullies and drowned.

Shocked that a man had tried to bludgeon me to death with a rusty old axe in the middle of the woods.

The said man peered into my soul and pushed his sleeve back over the bracelet. I stared back for awhile and didn't even bother to run.

"Where? Where did you find it?" I almost demanded.

The masked man was silent and stood before me like a mountain. A part of me thought that this man had found Jason's body. In my mind, he had dragged the little boy out of the lake and taken the bracelet around his wrist as a souvenir of his grisly find. The man's axe was bloody, who else had he just been killing? I grew angry, and shoved him away in an attempt to run to safety. The man once again grabbed the back of my shirt and tugged me back.

"Let me go!" I repeated. The killer threw me over his shoulder with little to no effort and started towards the woods in an intimidating gait. "No! No, no, no! Let me go! Let me go!" I shrieked and thrashed and clawed into his back.

In a fit of panic, I grasped the top of the sack over his head and yanked it off the man's face.

The man hit the brakes and stood in the middle of the campgrounds, still as a statue. I was released from his grasp and hit the ground hard. I groaned painfully and rolled over in the dirt so I was laying on my back. The man's back was turned, his patchy ginger hair on display for the world to see. He gripped the axe handle in his hand so hard, his knuckles turned white in the dark. The sack laid on the ground a foot away from me, I scrambled to my feet and snatched it from the dirt.

I gripped the fabric between my fingers and glared daggers into the back of his head. The man turned around at an excruciatingly slow speed. My eyes couldn't of been wider and my mouth couldn't seem to close. I backed away slowly and dropped the sack back to the ground. I was met with two blue mismatched eyes and a crooked face that I knew too well. The bracelet...


The fact that I even said that was too much for me and I felt my eyes slowly rolling back into my skull. My world was plunged into an infinite night as my back hit the ground with a weighty thud.

I awoke with a small groan and my eyes peeled open to reveal a ceiling. I jolted up in surprise and looked around the room I had been put in, taking note I was in a bed. I had found myself in what looked like a dusty cabin bedroom.

Probably was a murder cabin.

I felt a lump under the covers next to be and turned to spot an old teddy bear. I gently picked it up and ran a thumb over its matted brown fur. It was torn in places and one of its button eyes was missing, but overall it looked taken care of. Just old, looked decades old. Like the one I had given Jason. It had been a long time since I had bought Jason his bear, so my memory was a little blurry. Not to mention I was in my forties now while I was a teenager back then. I remembered things wrong sometimes even though I had kept my body fairly fit over the years. I set the familiar teddy back next me on the bed as carefully as I could.

I ripped the sheets off my legs and swung them over the edge of the bed. The rusty springs screeched in pain as I stood from the tattered mattress. The floorboards creaked under my shoes while I made my way to the door, peeping through the crack to see if anyone was there. As I peeked through the rotten door, I saw the lake glisten below the moonlight. My body hadn't been taken far, I could even see where that man's axe had struck the dock from here. I crept out of the creaky cabin as quietly as humanly possible. Crickets and cicadas sounded through the night air which would've seemed peaceful if you didn't know the context of my situation.

I stepped onto the cabin's porch, treading lightly to avoid the risk of scraping my ankles by falling through. I snuck back over to the dock to inspect the axe wound that had been shanked into it. The tiniest amount of blood splatter had been flicked around the hole.

There was blood on the man's axe.

My mind immediately wandered back to the man. He was wearing that sack over his head for a reason. He was deformed, like how Jason was. He was wearing Jason's bracelet... he refrained from killing me.

"Jason." I said barely above a whisper.

I ran a hand through my greying hair, my fingers grasping at the strands gently. I screwed my eyes shut as soft waves from the lake approached the shore. No, I was not gonna let myself go through it again. Jason was dead. He drowned. It had been decades for Christ's sake. That man was not Jason. He was not Jason, because I said so.

I was not losing him again.

I had only been babysitting that poor child for a month or two, it was a long time ago so I was unsure. But Jason was so sweet, and I felt like a parent to him even though I was just a dumb teenager.

Suddenly my shoulders rose and I stood dead silent by the lake. Heavy footsteps crunched over gravel and twigs behind me. I was too scared to look as I stood there staring at the water. I screwed my eyes shut again and slowly moved to turn around and face whoever was behind me.

The man loomed over me menacingly, no bloody weapon in his grasp this time. I gazed into his eye through the hole of the sack that was now back over his deformed face. We stared at each other for a long time, me wondering why I hadn't ran into the night screaming yet. But after some time, I finally managed to find my voice again.

"Who are you...?" I murmured to the man in the pale moonlight.

He once again pushed up the sleeve of his flannel to reveal Jason's bracelet. The man carefully pulled it off his wrist and grabbed my own tightly. I hissed at his firm grip, my bruised flesh still hurt from the first time he did that. The masked man then opened my hand up with a gentleness I didn't know he had in him. He set the bracelet in my palm and carefully pushed my hand towards my chest as if it was made of glass. I peered down at the faded beads in my hand that read none other than the name...


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