The Man

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"Thanks again." I smiled at the cabdriver and shut the car door.

I found myself in the infamous town of Crystal Lake. Or 'Camp Blood', it had been rightfully nicknamed. I couldn't believe that Pamela had gone so mad in her grief that she killed teenage counsellors who tried to reopen the camp. I shivered at the thought but was then met with a wave of grief myself. I wandered through the quiet town and took in the new things as well as the nostalgic aspects about it. Crystal Lake was still so green and weirdly still wholesome to an outsider. I guessed I had been an outsider for quite some time, huh? I slung my duffel bag over my shoulder and trudged through the town until I spotted the motel.

As I dumped my bag onto the motel bed, a distressed sigh left my lips. I sat down on the bed next to my duffel bag and stared out the window. The sun had began to set into an ombré of orange and peach. The motel room sat still in the silent dusk to the point I was afraid to even breath or else I'd disturb it.

"Why am I here?" I murmured to myself.


I gently placed the covers over Jason's tired form and tucked them over him.

"Did you have a good day today?" I asked the younger boy before me. Jason nodded his head and smiled ever so slightly up at me. "That's good to hear. Now sleep tight. Your mummy wants to hang out with you tomorrow." I smiled back at him softly.

I grabbed the teddy bear I had bought him from the nightstand and carefully placed it next to Jason under the covers. Jason snuggled against the toy to the point that it tugged at my heartstrings.

"Good night, Jason."

I hummed quietly to myself in the moonlight as I did the dishes after putting Jason to bed. Pamela had to work late again so I made dinner for Jason and I like before. I scrubbed at the plate in my grasp until it was a crisp white like the others. I continued to hum and tapped my foot in boredom. A certain song had been stuck in my head all day after hearing it on the radio this morning. I huffed and grabbed another plate while thinking of the lyrics of the song in my head.

"Hold me close and hold me fast. This magic spell you cast, this is la vie en rose." I sung smoothly and quietly in the darkness of the kitchen.

'Life in pink' was the English translation of 'la vie en rose'. It was what I thought I'd have here with Jason.

A life in pink: through rose coloured glasses.

"When you kiss me, heaven sighs. And though I close my eyes, I see la vie en rose."

I set the clean plate on top of the other and turned around to open the cabinet. As I turned, I saw a certain child in the dark doorframe of the kitchen.

"Christ on the cross!" I clutched my heart as Jason's presence in the room had given me a fright. "Goodness, Jason. You frightened me, sorry." I laughed at my own outburst and relaxed my posture.

Jason hugged the teddybear I had given him close to his chest and shuffled into the kitchen. I approached him slowly and bent down to meet his height.

"What're you doing up, sweetie? I had just tucked you in before." I tilted my head like Jason usually did when he was confused.

"Scared." The little boy said quietly while staring down at the floor.

"Oh, honey. Why're you scared? There's nothing to be afraid of." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Sing for me?" Jason asked.

My cheeks flushed bright red. "Oh, that..." I looked away from the child. I dwelled on my thoughts before I turned my head back to meet his eyes. "Will you sleep if I do?" I asked. Jason nodded. "Well, come on then." I smirked down at him and took him by the hand upstairs.

Life In Pink: Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now