Chapter 4: Final Selection

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As I finished adjusting my sword into its sheath on my kimono, I folded my old haori by the side of my futon. (The image below is what I pictured Y/N would be wearing minus the floral pattern, you can make up your own if you'd like)

 (The image below is what I pictured Y/N would be wearing minus the floral pattern, you can make up your own if you'd like)

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I opened the door to see Yui smiling for what seemed like the millionth time. "You look lovely, Y/N. Are you ready?" With a confident grin, I nodded my head.

"Before I leave," I started "I'd like to give you something." I pulled out the dagger Miss Hatsu had given to me two years ago and placed it in Yui's hand. She made a small gasp, "Are you sure my dear?" I smiled at her this time. "The night you saved my life, you said that it was such a beautiful dagger. So I thought, if I don't make it back, you'll have something to remember me by."

Yui's eyes filled with tears as she pulled me into a gentle embrace. I began to cry as well, "Thank you, Y/N. I will forever remember you." "As goes to you, Yui. Thank you for everything. I couldn't even tell you how thankful I am for you training me the past couple years." Yui wiped the tear that had trickled down my cheek as she kissed the top of my head. "Safe travels, my dear. And good luck." We embraced one last time. Yui broke from the hug and I began to set off. I waved goodbye to Yui as I ran into the morning fog. She waved farewell, with several tears streaming down her beautiful face.


So this is it, Mount

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So this is it, Mount. Fujisakane. The holding place of the Final Selection. As I walked further up the mountain, I began to see glowing purple lights. I looked around in awe at the hundreds of beautiful wisteria trees. It's the middle of the winter, but the wisteria is as bright as ever. It reminds me of the sacred caves back on Mount. Kuroba.

I kept walking forward, and saw a young man with auburn hair admiring the wisteria blossoms as well. He wore a blue kimono with a white cloud pattern, and a fox mask on the side of his head. The young man looked so calm standing there, it was as if in that moment, everything seemed quiet and at peace.
He turned to face me and gave me a warm smile. Our eyes met, and it seemed like we had formed a connection of with one another. "Excuse me," I asked. "Uh, I think I know you from somewhere." He looked confused for a moment, but he responded "I feel the same way. My name is Tanjiro Kamado, and you?" "I'm Y/N, its nice to meet you Tanjiro!"

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