Chapter 16: Spider Father

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"There is a member of the Twelve Kizuki here. Please, be careful."


The three of us came to a river. Large stones were spread out as a path across the shallow waters. Tanjiro and I stopped when we heard a slight booming sound in the distance. "Was that...thunder?" I guessed. "I'm not sure, Y/N. I don't sense any thunderclouds nearby." Tanjiro replied. "Weird...I could've sworn that was-" I scratched my cheek as I felt a slight sting. A small drop of red landed on my index finger.

Tanjiro looked at me for a moment until he realized what was wrong. "You're bleeding! Are you okay?" He said with concern. "I-It's just a scratch Tanjiro! I must've gotten cut from the bushes when I ran after you, don't worry about it!" I assured. He sighed as I felt the warmth of his palm brush against my face and rubbed his thumb over the small cut,
"I...I hope so, otherwise..."

My companion slowly leaned in closer as he ever so gently graced his lips onto my cut. My eyes widened at the sudden contact and my face began heating up by the second. Eventually he pulled away as his cheeks burned a bright red, as did mine. "Otherwise...that would've been...for nothing." He finished as I gazed at him with my eyes wide as saucers. The kiss was short, but it felt as if time stopped when it happened. We both turned away as our focus went back to the mission, my finger tracing over where his lips were.

I can't believe that just happened!


Inosuke was about to cross the river, the cuts on his arms and torso had gotten worse. "Inosuke, I think I'll head that way." Tanjiro pointed to his right. "Do whatever you want, I don't care!" Inosuke grumbled. "Are you going to descend the mountain then?" I asked the boar-headed slayer. "Why would I?! Just get out of here!" He responded, slightly ticked off. Then again, he's always pissed about something.
"Well, you are injured pretty badly-" I started. "I'm completely fine! No wounds whatsoever!" He yelled back at us. Tanjiro looked at him with a face of shock and confusion as I sweat-dropped.

"Inosuke! Anyone in their right mind could see that you're-" I yelled back, but he turned his head to look across the river. Standing there in shock, was a girl with pale white skin and hair. She looked very similar to the demon Tanjiro took down earlier, except slightly younger.
"I'm gonna tear you to shreds you damn demon!" Inosuke declared as he began crossing the stones in the water. She then started to run into the forest behind her, "Now, Father!" She shouted. "Who the hell are you calling 'father'?!" Inosuke fumed.

"Inosuke, above you!" Tanjiro and I called out as a large figure came crashing down into the shallow waters. The figure was tall and muscular, much like the headless demon we last fought. But he bared rows of teeth and nine eyes that varied in size. "Don't come near my family!" The so-called "father" growled as he threw a large punch, smashing the stone Inosuke landed on. He luckily dodged, but the large monster was about to land another into his stomach.

Tanjiro quickly attacked the demon with his Water Wheel, but his blade became lodged into the father's arm. Using his free arm, the spider demon was going to send a blow directly into Tanjiro's face, until Inosuke thrust his blades into it. "This guy's arms are so hard!"
They were eventually thrown off in opposite directions, as they landed onto boulders in the stream.
"What now?! You can't pierce his skin!" I contemplated as the spider father began to charge towards Tanjiro and I. We dodged his punch, and Inosuke jumped out from behind the demon, his serrated blades raised high above his head. "I'm over here, dammit! Curse you!" He shouted as the father turned and sent Inosuke flying backwards into the water.

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