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I'm still in her highness little tea party, there's still an hour left until the hunting start.

"Well, would you ladies like to say something for lady Eloise here?" Her highness stated

"Uhm... I'm not sure, your highness." One lady said

"Is she supposed to be here? I mean, she's shameless." Other said

"That's enough, if you don't want to treat her nicely, just say so then you can leave this table." Her highness responded

"H-Hello, lady Eloise" they started to greet me one by one. This is awkward but It's kinda odd. Her highness is not scary so people often took advantage of her. I see, these nobles is here to make connections with her highness

"I heard lady Eloise has a bad temper, rumors said she often throw tantrums in front of the other people. I think she has a mental illness." The lady who said that smirked at me

I grin, "Oh my, since you know so much about me, should I call you my mother?"


"You're lady Mary from the house of Zaep, am I right? Say, lady Mary, what benefits you'll gain after insulting me?"

She stayed silent, but it's clearly her expression says shut-the-fuck-up-bitch

"You're cruel, lady Mary, we're both nobles and all but you dare to insult me just like that." I acted like I'm about to cry

"Lady Mary, it's not nice to say something that only based on rumors, most of them are false." Her highness said, she's taking my side

"But your highness, who knows if she's just acting right now? Some people said all of it are true!" Mary insisted

"Some people, you say? Tell me, who told you that?"

"I-I just heard it from rumors, your highness." she uttered

"You're saying nonsense, you know that, lady Mary? Just because you came from high rank noble family, doesn't mean all of us will agree with you."

All of them stayed silent. I'm bored now

"Excuse me, your highness, but I should go now, the hunting event is starting soon. Thank you for letting me join here, your highness." I bow down to her

I walk away and saw Theodore, he looked at me and waved

I waved back to him then he smiled at me. I sat down in the bench near the tree to cool down myself. The sun's brighter as usual.

"Watch out!" Someone shout at my direction

I turn around and saw someone with a sword tried to slash me in half. I don't know what to do, I can't move my body from fear. I close my eyes

so this is my fate after changing things. I'll die earlier than I expected. Man, my life sucks

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