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Raiden's POV

While I'm walking on the street, I'm feeling so anxious right now

I don't know how Lady Eloise would react if I show my face

As I walk away, I saw his highness, prince Severus

I want to approach him but I'm worried that he'll send me away again, after all, what I did is very unforgivable


I turned around and saw Theodore

I'm screwed

"What are you doing roaming in the city? You should be in the prison, why are---"

I snapped my finger to make us invisible while talking

"Look, I-I'm sorry for what I did."

He looks at me with anger visible in his eyes

"How did you escape? Who helped you?"

I shouldn't bring Sam into this, it's better than getting her involved

"I... I escaped on my own. I just wanted to see lady Eloise and after that, I'll never show up again. Just give me a little more time, I need to gather more artifacts to recover my mana."

"You wanted to see lady Eloise?"


"You let Thalia use you, you're one of the most praised mages for knowledge and skills, I had a lot of questions in my head for the past four years. How did she easily control you?"


I don't know what to say, it's also been a traumatizing event for me

"I was in my den that day, when suddenly I feel a strong negative energy behind me, I turned around and saw nothing, but then I can feel it entering my body, I don't know what to do, I can't use my powers that day either, the negative energy is absorbing my mana, the next thing I knew, I collapsed..."

I feel bad for not continuing my words, I don't want him to imagine the scenario I experience that time

"It absorbs your mana?"

"Yes, that's why I need more time to gather artifacts to have my mana back. In that way, I still can protect lady Eloise and the empire before getting exiled or worst, die."

He was silent for a seconds

"Please don't tell this to anyone."

"I won't, take any time you needed." He tapped my shoulder and smiled at me, "Welcome back, my mage friend"

I put my hands on my chest and bowed, "Thank you, young knight."

I snapped my finger again and made him visible

I wave goodbye and walk away in another direction

Tears suddenly fell from my eyes

Am I still welcome here?

I keep wiping the tears and yet it won't stop

The next thing I knew, I am already in the ducal's state

I am still invisible, no one will recognize me if I roam around a bit

I see an emerald hair near the window

I can fly even with a small amount of mana, I just wanted to see her

I fly into the window and made myself visible

She looks so surprised, our eyes meet and that purple eyes calmed me for a second

I snapped my finger again to make myself invisible

I hid in the bush and caught up my breath, why does flying take so much mana than teleporting?

After I can breathe properly, I look at her and smiled

She can't see me

But I can see her being worried and all,

I closed my eyes as I whispered,

"Thank you that you're doing great right now, my lady."

I walked into the other way as I have already decided. I have to gather artifacts to recover my mana. I wanted to help lady Eloise

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