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Chapter 12: The Jinu Desires the Swan

(Jinu means manwhore in Chinese.)

Why me?! I expected that a few people would challenge me, but why now?! I'm hungry! (ノ゚Д゚)

Wu Qingge stood beside Liu Xiao, gazing at him with a subtle curve forming on his lips. Liu Xiao cast a glance at the biscuits on the table and exhaled deeply, straightening up as he locked eyes with Lan Yang, who sneered at him from below. He stepped onto the balcony railings and leaped down into the arena, descending like a feather, gently touching down upon the earth. Liu Xiao's landing was soft, his feet making only a gentle tap against the ground.

"What an enticing entrance!" Lan Yang exclaimed, his face breaking into a broad grin. "You're making it very tempting to pounce on you right this moment." The fuck are you saying that? That sounds weird! The hair all over my body was getting goosebumps!

Liu Xiao maintained a stoic facade, betraying no emotion, yet in his mind, he was throttling Lan Yang with an intense glare of boredom. "Ho?" Lan Yang stepped closer. "Am I that uninteresting, Meihua? Don't worry, let's make this more interesting." A sinister smile crept across Lan Yang's face, concealing his malice. "How about a bet?"

"A bet?" Liu Xiao's voice was a soft murmur. "Indeed, if you win, I shall fulfill any desire or request you have. But should you lose..." Lan Yang's smile twisted cruelly before he resumed, "You shall be bound to me as my concubine."

Suddenly, a loud crack echoed through the air. Liu Xiao's gaze shifted upwards towards the balcony of Mount Hua Peak. Wu Qingge stood there, his grip on the railing so tight that it had caused a significant fissure. His countenance was stormy and foreboding, lips tightly drawn, and brows furrowed in a scowl directed downwards.

Behind him, Mo Xian's usual serene smile had vanished; Tian Lang continued to fan himself nonchalantly as he observed the scene; and Bai Lan wore an expression of amusement as he watched from behind his master.

"Whoa! That youngster made a crack in the unbreakable crystal palace!"

"He must be strong..."

"His qi must be so strong and wide that the crystal couldn't handle it. Who is his master?"

"Look, he's wearing a light blue robe; it's Mount Hua Peak!"

"Amazing! Peak Master Mo Xian has a good eye on people! First is Liu Xiao, next is Chen Yi, and now that mysterious young man!"

"Mount Hua Peak will only raise their reputation even more."

Liu Xiao gazed in astonishment at the cracked crystal railings of their balcony. He turned to Wu Qingge with a look of confusion, utterly perplexed by the unfolding events. Lan Yang's laughter boomed, resonating through the arena, his understanding of Wu Qingge's state apparent in his mirth. "What do you say, Meihua?" he asked, casting a glance at Liu Xiao, whose brows furrowed in bewilderment.

Liu Xiao gave a slow nod and drew his sword with deliberate grace. "Hmm. Alright," he murmured. A soft glow of white and pink spiritual qi enveloped his blade and form, swirling gracefully around him.

"Huh? What is that move? It looks unusual."

"Maybe it's a new move made by the Rising Star Meihua!"

"Right. The Rising Star Meihua usually throws his spiritual qi out, not pouring it into his body."

"Maybe he became bored with it and decided on a new one?"

His Meihua Swan | 他的大天鵝 (BL)Where stories live. Discover now