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Chapter 16: Wu Qingge's Banishment, Part 2

"Haaah..." Exciting, my ass! My feet hurt from all the walking! We just crossed four freaking mountains! How can Wu Qingge be able to maintain his stamina while I'm dying right here!?

Exhausted, Liu Xiao had no option but to rest on a fallen tree branch to catch his breath. Wu Qingge noticed his condition and approached him with concern. "Senior Brother, are you too tired? Should I carry you?" he inquired.

Liu Xiao promptly shook his head in refusal and responded, "No! No! I'm alright; it's just that I can't keep pace with you. Just wait a moment." With that, Liu Xiao channeled spiritual qi into his dimension ring and retrieved his last water bottle.

He sighed deeply before taking a drink. This is my last one! I plan to use it after we arrive in a town, but whatever! I'm dying!

He released another sigh and glanced at Wu Qingge, who was merely observing him. "By the way, where are we headed?" inquired Liu Xiao. Wu Qingge hesitated, then seized his wrist and drew him closer, whispering into Liu Xiao's ear, "Since we departed Mount Hua Peak, cultivators have been trailing us. Senior Brother, stay alert but try to keep it discreet."

Shock replaced the weariness on Liu Xiao's face. So that's why I sensed faint spiritual qi everywhere! It must be four—no, five individuals! I mistook it for a mere barrier in the mountains when it was actually people! Realizing his oversight, Liu Xiao stood up, feeling foolish for having neglected the elders' sentinels placed for Wu Qingge after his banishment by Mo Xian.

Exchanging a knowing look as their cue, they resumed walking. "Senior Brother, there's a town ahead. Should we seek lodging at an inn first or dine?" Wu Qingge queried. Stroking his chin, Liu Xiao responded, "Perhaps we should dine first."

Before Wu Qingge could respond, he sensed intense bloodlust emanating from one of the dense trees and saw a sword emerge, radiating with pure white qi. Liu Xiao perceived it as well; they shared a glance and evaded the sword. Drawing his own sword, Liu Xiao prepared for battle while Wu Qingge's demonic qi surged forth, enveloping the forest.

The spread of Wu Qingge's demonic qi caused three cultivators to collapse, gasping and quaking. They were evidently overwhelmed by the terror induced by Wu Qingge's demonic qi.

"Tsk! Pathetic!" declared a man as he revealed himself among the tree branches, exuding arrogance and poise. Subsequently, a veiled woman emerged, brandishing a slender sword. Their composure and grandeur suggested they were nearing grandmaster status, standing resolute amidst the pervasive fear.

Liu Xiao had no time to admire his surroundings as the man launched an attack towards Wu Qingge, and the woman targeted him. In an instant, Liu Xiao channeled spiritual qi throughout his body into his sword, moving with elegance as he deflected the woman's sword strikes. She regarded him with a mix of surprise and fascination, yet she promptly dismissed it and resumed her assault.

Her techniques were bold and unrefined, in stark contrast to Liu Xiao's fluid grace. Yet, their martial skills were evenly matched. Clenching his sword's hilt tightly, Liu Xiao unleashed a powerful blow towards the woman.

She evaded the brunt of his attack, but a deep gash formed on her shoulder as Liu Xiao's spiritual qi grazed her, deceptively gentle yet filled with lethal intent.

As the woman cried out in pain, the man who had been engaging Wu Qingge cast a glance her way and materialized beside her in an instant. Liu Xiao caught Wu Qingge's eye, noting his unharmed state and the pride on his face.

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