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Chapter 60: The Final War, Part 3

Liu Xiao raised his eyes, and the demon lizardman was far away from them. The lizardman's tail wagged as he spoke with a proud voice. "OH MIGHTY DEMON KING! LOOK! ISN'T IT FUN FOR US TO BE WANDERING HERE IN THE MORTAL WORLD?! KIKIKIKI!!! YOUR USELESS SERVANTS CAN'T EVEN KILL US! MAYBE YOU'RE ALSO——"

"Huangtian, burn that thing."

With Liu Xiao's command, Huangtian swiftly obeyed, emitting a resounding roar as it descended upon the lizardman. Thanks to its earlier transformation into a human-sized form, the majestic bird remained inconspicuous amidst the chaos.

The lizardman, armed with a spear, barely had time to react before Huangtian's razor-sharp claws slashed through his hands, eliciting a piercing cry. Kneeling in pain, the lizardman could only watch in horror as Huangtian descended upon him, engulfing him in merciless flames.

Liu Xiao, witnessing the scene, couldn't help but sneer at Huangtian's swift justice. "Good job, Huangtia—no! I'm still mad at you for betraying me."

Huangtian merely opened its beak slightly, seemingly indifferent to Liu Xiao's words, much to his frustration. Liu Xiao stared incredulously at the mythical bird, his mouth agape. "HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME! I'M YOUR MASTER! BAD CHICKEN! BAD DUCK!"

Unperturbed by Liu Xiao's outburst, Huangtian continued its onslaught against the demons, relentless in its mission. As Liu Xiao's attention shifted, he noticed that Wu Qingge had withdrawn his hands, and the bite wounds on his thighs had vanished completely, leaving no trace.

Liu Xiao oh-ed as he stared at his own thighs. Even the mosquito bites are gone! How convenient!

As they navigated through the chaos within the floating palace, Chen Yi and the others remained elusive. Some cultivators were locked in fierce combat with the demons, with outcomes ranging from victory to defeat. Liu Xiao, tugging at the hem of Wu Qingge's sleeves, urged him forward. "Let's hurry, Wu Shidi. Chen Yi and the others are nowhere to be seen."

Following closely behind Liu Xiao, Wu Qingge allowed himself to be led through the labyrinthine rooms of the palace. Each chamber they passed was a scene of carnage, with demons being vanquished by Huangtian's fiery wrath. Amidst the chaos, the once-majestic palace now exuded an oppressive atmosphere, shrouded in thick miasma, with demons lurking in the shadows.

"I never imagined the underworld gate could be combined like this," remarked Liu Xiao, surveying the grim spectacle.

Wu Qingge nodded in agreement. "Indeed. While I don't understand how the old palace master accomplished it, it likely involves my cultivation or bloodline."

"But what about the other underworld gates scattered across the world?" inquired Liu Xiao.

Wu Qingge explained, "The theory of gathering all the underworld gates to merge them into one is a misconception. There are two methods to combine them: either by collecting high-tier gates or by acquiring the demon king's core."

Liu Xiao's brow furrowed in concern. "Core? Did they steal the spiritual core within you?!"

Suddenly, a black lotus flower emerged from Wu Qingge's body, transforming into an elder man draped in black and red smoke, his hair white and his eyes colorless. "Fear not, Little Xiao! Wu'er is unharmed. Allow this old man to explain."

As they traversed the corridors of the floating palace, Liu Xiao remained perplexed. "But how does the demon king's core relate to combining the underworld gates?"

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