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After lunch, Antonio showed me the whole mansion. It was magnificent. Truly, it even had a music room and game room. Like can you believe it? A game room!?

I can't.

My room was on the second floor, where others room also resided. Mine, just so happens to be in the very end. The inside was extremely breathtaking. Whole room was painted in purple and lightest ash color.

Half of the room was decorated with various show pieces. A king sized bed was placed in the center, White bedsheets and gray comforter covering it.

There was a huge wooden closet, and just beside it was a study table opposite to a big window, and a bathroom at the very corner of the room.

"It's pretty." I commented. Turning to face Antonio, I let out a gasp when I saw no one there.

I shrugged, and jumped on the bed pulling the comforter over me while lying down on it as well. One of the flat pillow was under my head while the fluffy one, underneath my right arm, hugging it to my chest.

I switched off the lights and the window were already closed, so I drifted into a peaceful slumber.


Waking up, was not pleasant. Let me tell you, I feel my head spinning ever time I stand up. And it's happing right now too, when I was opening the door causing it's been getting knocked for a while.

Just as I opened the door, I stumbled again; "yes?" I said as I saw Antonio outside.

"Are you okay?" His brows were furrowed. I nodded; "Yes."

"Come down for dinner then." I nodded.

Leaving the door open I walked downstairs. I heard the light slam of the door, indicating that Antonio closed it behind me.

As I entered the dinning room, yawning and rubbing my eyes to woo the sleep away, I was greeted by all my brothers.

"Good evening, Alle." Rocco greeted.

{Alle pronounced as Alli.}

"Good evening, brothers." I replied, smiling lightly.

I slumped on my chair, waiting for the food. Putting my head on the table, I closed my eyes.

"Allegra." I looked up at Leo's voice.

I mumbled a small 'yes'. "Are you feeling okay?"

My eye balls goes to the corner of my eyes, at right side, whenever I'm thinking.

"Yes, why?" I asked, and served myself when Mrs. Granger came with the food.

I mumbled a small thankyou in her direction, with a smile.

"Then why were you stumbling around when I came to wake you up?" Antonio said.

"Oh. That." I chewed on my pasta before replying. "That's normal. Whenever I wake up my head would spin for a while and then it will be okay eventually."

"Why? Did you consult a doctor about It?" Marco asked. Suddenly everyone's utensils were placed beside their plates, and their attention on me.

"No. I thought it was normal. Why is it serious?" I asked.

Marco shook his head. "Not really. But if you feel severe, prolonged, or sudden and unexplained dizziness then yes, you need to see a doctor. Is it serious? Like do you have headaches or chest pains?"

"No. It's just the dizziness when I stand up after waking up, Immediately."

They nodded. "Do tell us if any of that or other thing happens." I nodded.



After dinner, I went straight to my room and slept for an hour or so, and then I was refreshed. I don't even want to lay down for the fact. I was extremely energetic.

So, I wandered to the kitchen, in search of a specific person, who so happens to be Mrs. Granger. And to my guess, she was in there.

I hopped on the stool, and perched my elbows on the counter.

"Mrs. Granger." She was startled at first but then soon awarded me a smile of her own, once she turned around.

"Yes, Allegra. Why are you not sleeping yet it's past midnight!"

"I could ask you the same thing. But I came to eat pasta, if any of it is left."

I gave her a cheeky grin. "Oh, I was just going to sleep, after cleaning the kitchen. And yes, there is small portion of pasta left, it's in the fridge. Help yourself."

I frowned. Opening the fridge, I grab the plate and put it in the microwave oven and set the timer for 10 mins.

Mrs. Granger is pretty- no scratch that, she is awfully old to be working, specially at this age. "Mrs. Granger. Why do you work alone? Moreover why do you even work? You are too old. No offense but you should be playing or spending time with your grand children's." The oven 'dinged'. I quickly grabbed the plate of pasta and started devouring it.

She gave me a smile, a sad one." Allegra, I don't have children. So, similarly I don't have any grandchildren."

I mouthed a 'O'. "I'm so sorry I didn't knew. But still you should be resting instead of working."

"Oh, no, it's totally okay. I love to work, so that's why I'm working. And don't worry I just cook and clean the kitchen nothing else. And I've been doing it since Leo was in diapers."

I smiled." Oh, so you have been working for my family for a long time." She nodded.

Suddenly I realized that I've been holding her up. "Oh. Mrs granger you can go to sleep now, I'm sorry for holding you up."

She smiled. "It's okay Allegra. And please call me Mia."

"Um, are you sure? My brothers dont call you that." I said, hesitantly. Putting the plate and the spoon in the sink, I washed my hands.

"It's okay. They also call me this, but when you arrived they were hesitant to call me by my name. They thought I would mind if you called me by my name."

"Oh okay. But still, It's okay I'll stick with Mrs. Granger, if you mind calling me that. I mean it's little handy, but it's okay I'll-" she smiled.

"Allegra." She cut me off. "It's totally okay. Now I'm off to bed, I've to wake up early. And you too, don't stay up too late."

I nodded. And once she was out of my site I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the tub of ice-cream, I saw previously in there.

Grabbing a spoon and the tub, I settled them on table, and ran to my room to grab a blanket and pillows.

Settling on the couch, I took few to less spoons of it and then put it back in the refrigerator. Not before putting the spoon in the sink.

I turned on the TV, as I was still not sleepy and it's was 12:05.

Putting on Doraemon on YouTube, I laid my head on the pillow and pulled the blanket over me, after hugging the pillow to my chest.

I don't know when, but my eyes dropped close, and I was out like light, with chilly breeze coming in through the gigantic window.



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