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After watching one of the episodes of Doraemon. I walked into Leo's office.

Without knocking, of course.

"Allegra, if you didn't knock next time, it won't be pretty." I nodded and sat in In-front of him.

He put his files aside and joined his palm over the table.

"There will be some rules you have to follow while you are under our roof."

Not this shit again.

"Leo, come on. After spending time with me, you should have known that I don't follow any rules. Even if they are made by me." I stated.

Leo sighed, his voice void of any emotion. "Allegra, if you want to live here-"

"Then let me leave." There is no point in explaining him.

It's either this or that.

"Allegra, you can't leave." This time a third voice spoke Leo's; dark eyes turned a shade darker and his lips set in a straight line.

It was Antonio, along with Matteo and two pairs of twins.

"Well, you see Antonio, either you let me live here without any rules or, you let me leave."

Matteo's voice cracked at the end when he spoke, "Allegra, you could live here however you want. Just don't leave!"

My brows furrowed, "You do realize I'll have to leave you guys one day?"

"You can't leave!" This time it was Alessandro who yelled angrily.

"You think I would live with you guys along with my husband?" I retorted.

They sighed. "So, it's about that. We thought-" He stopped.

"You thought what?"

"Okay, Allegra, back to the topic. You have to follow some of the rules either way." Leo called from his seat.

"Oh Leo Leo Leo, you could tell me rules, yes, but I won't be following them." I smiled over at him.

I could feel him getting angry after every possible second.

"Allegra, why don't you hear out the rules first? And then decide yeah?"

Matteo suggested. I nodded after a second.

"Okay, so the first rule is; you can't eat more than 3 junk food in a day."

"That means I can eat the rest at night?" I asked pissing Leo more.

"No. The next rule is; you can't go outside the house alone!" This time his voice held authority.

"Okay." I nodded. That wasn't a problem for me. Not that I'm a baby or something, but I know for sure that I'll mess up sneaking out too.

So it wasn't up for argument.

"If you are injured anywhere, even the slightest twist in your hand or something, you'll come to one of your brothers! Is that clear?" His voice was stern.

"Ahan, okay." I nodded my head positively.

Leo nodded back, "One last rule; if anyone, and I mean it, anyone tries to mess up with you or you feel like something is wrong, you'll tell us. At any cost. Okay, bambina?" His voice turned soft at the very end.

I nodded. Waiting for more, I kept seated. When no one spoke, I asked, "that's it?"

Leo nodded. "Woah! You guys are better than I expected!"

Marco and Rocco glared at me, "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, that's not how brothers behave usually so yeah, I was just shocked."

Alessandro frowned at that, "That doesn't make any sense."

"I know, don't bother your pretty little head." I grinned with my 32 teeth at him.

I ran outside the office and down the stairs while hearing booming laughs from inside the office.


I've been sitting in front of the TV, for the past half an hour and none of my brothers were in the sight. Not having anything to do physically I got up from the couch and out in the garden, barefoot.

The garden was heaven. Different kinds of flowers of every color and that cool air is just heavenly!

There was this corner of the garden; seems extremely weird with too many broken pots and flowers in the same place. I cautiously stepped over every gravel sprawling on the ground.

I turned around the corner and was taken aback by the view.

This seems like the backside of the house. There was a small hut in the very corner.

No one would have thought that there would be a horrendous site at the back of the garden.

I tentatively walked towards the hut, Being cautious of the prickling glass scattered on the ground.

When I stepped in front of the hut, I stretched my hand to remove the webs over the knob.

Muttering a 'Yuck' I shrugged the web off of my fingers. Pushing the door open with my foot, I stepped inside after hearing a satisfying creak sound from it.

I was freaked out, by the view in front of me. There was this foul smell lingering in that room. It looks burned; with black walls and the ceiling.

There wasn't much furniture in here besides a burned couch, rocking chair, a TV stand, and a wooden cupboard, a burnt one.

"Seems like it was burned, purposely." Mumbling to myself, I stepped inside.

Letting; out a hiss as a piece of glass got pierced into my foot."Dang, should have worn my slippers."

I walked further inside, being aware of small animals lingering beside my feet.

I stood in front of the cupboard and cleaned the dust and web by my hand.

Putting my hand over the knob, I tried to open it but failed.

It seems locked. Before I could try to look for a key, someone called me.

After one last look, I came out of the room; I walked fastly, as I heard panicked yells of one of my brothers. Ignoring; the small pieces piercing in my foot.

I met Matteo in the garden. He quickly pulled me in his arms. I freeze. "Where were you? We were so worried! We thought something happened to you!"

He grabbed my wrist and started to walk inside the house fastly. I hissed in pain from the glass prickled inside my foot. He quickly turned around and asked, "What happened? Are you hurt somewhere?"

I nodded and showed him my foot. "Oh, you silly girl, Come on, let's get inside, and I'll call Marco to treat that. How did that even happen?"

Avoiding his last sentence, I asked, "Why Marco? Why not you?"

"Because bambino, I'm going to inform Leo about you and this too. He is 1 minute away from calling the best--"

He cut himself and told me to walk carefully inside.

Entering the living room, I kept thinking about that weird room. What is that room? Why is it abandoned? Why does it look Burned? 


OKAY, Im back and this time with main chapter!

What do you guys think is in that room? And what was Matteo going to say?

|Happy Reading|

AND FUCK YOU!!!!!!4KKKKK????????

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