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I opened my eyes to survey my surroundings when they land on a bulky figure standing beside my bed.

I immediately straightened up but relaxed when I realized it is just Marco. "Oh, Marco, you scared me."

Putting my hand over my chest, I took deep breaths as my heart started beating uncontrollably.

"Allegra, I'm so sorry for everything. For shouting at you yesterday and for being mean and rude to you. I think those were my insecurities that's why I was like that towards you." He said slowly.

"Oh, it's okay Marco. Now let's go I want to eat chicken!" Grinning, I grabbed his hand and made a beeline to the kitchen.

But before we could step out of the room Marco stopped, "Allegra, you forgive me? Just..like that?"

I smiled, "Marco, I realized that what you all have done the previous day was in the spite of the moment? Yeah. Let's go!" Saying I started running again.

But to be very honest, I don't think I can hold grudges with my blood for that long. I realized that they are my family and what they did was wrong, indeed, but understandable.

Anyone in their place would have done the same or even worse.

But to everyone, treating their family with love and affection even when their behavior towards them is not understandable then that's toxic and you should never forgive that.

Reaching the kitchen, I took my seat beside Leo and sit down. "Leo," I said extra sweetly and blinked my eyes thrice at him.

Leo looked up from the file and closed it immediately when he saw I'm sitting beside him. Narrowing his eyes, he asked. "What?"

"Can we get chicken today?" I threaded my palms together with a wide smile on my face waiting for him to say yes.

"No." Saying that he called Antonio and told him to serve dinner.

He started walking out of the kitchen and into the dining room. I narrowed my eyes at the two pairs of twins holding their laughs back. "You two," I said to Alessandro and Marco, "are going to convince Leo for chicken."

"I won't." Both said simultaneously. "Okay, then I won't forgive you guys."

I crossed my arms and started to walk out when they agreed. Grinning at them I made the shoo motion at them.

They walked out after glaring at me. I turned towards Alexander and Rocco who don't know if they should talk to me or not. "You guys want anything? Both of your twins are cooperating today."

And that was enough answer to their question.

They both high-five me and ran outside the kitchen, probably to their possible twins.

Matteo balanced the plates in his hand and smiled at me. "Little help would be appreciated."

I smiled back too, "you didn't say the magic word."

His smile dropped, "You're evil Alle." He pouted. "Please, would you help me?" He even blinked his eyes innocently.

I laughed and took a few plates from his hands. "Thank you."

We both were being careful and quiet as not to break any of the cutlery.

"Matteo?" I started, licking my lips I condemned as to whether I should ask about that house at the back or not.

He hummed, "Why was I...taken?"

I started with the small things. He paused for a mere second, "Why are you asking?"

"Well, because I'm curious." He opened his mouth to retort something possibly 'Curiosity kills the cat'.

I cut him off, "yeah yeah, Curiosity kills the cat' but there is something," I whispered the next part, "I don't remember that word okay, Brings it back."

Matteo chuckled, "It's satisfaction. Curiosity kills the cat but satisfaction brings it back."

"Yeah that. So tell me." Matteo poked the inside of his cheeks then sighed, "You should ask Leo I don't remember much besides that our father sent you off to his sister."

I choked on my saliva. "Aunt was whose father's sister?"

I would have laughed at this sentence if I wasn't too shocked. "Aunt was your father's sister." He confirmed.

I shrugged off the ' Your father' thing, maybe they had daddy issues.

"But...isn't he Italian?"

We put down the plates on the table right in front of Leo.

"Who is Italian?" Leo asked both of us.

"Someone's father," I said that Because clearly, they had daddy issues and I don't have...daddy so it would be weird to call him my or their father.

At my answer, Leo's sharpened gaze went towards Matteo and he gulped.

"Come on Alle, Antonio needs our help." I nodded and followed him out.

"Aunt was his step-sister. They were extremely close as he didn't have any sister." I nodded.

"Then why I was with her?" At my question, he stiffened.

"Um, she was infertile so he gifts you to her." There is something very weird about this statement.

"Oh, then what happened?" What am I supposed to ask after that? Like did he know how she behaved with me?

"Nothing. you started living with her." He said simply as if it was the sanest thing to say.

"Was..." I don't know how to address my birth giver, "mother okay with it?"

He never answered that question as if I've never asked it. He grabbed the bowl of food from the kitchen counter and told me to follow him or else hungry Leo would slaughter us.

Dodging the question now brother?

There is a mystery about all of this and I love to say this but I'm the main case!


•|Happy Reading|•

Here is the update as promised!

And I want to tell you all that the next update would be long like long long. As the Wattpad would be down on the 1st November and I might upload on the 3rd.

So yeah. Bye. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. And ILOVEYOUALL●♡♡●

•|Their Joy|•Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora