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While the Valentino siblings; were enjoying their moment.

Someone was glaring at them from the glass.

Their eyes held emotion, foreign from ours.

Ours held happiness and admiration for the siblings.

But their eyes held hatred and anger for the siblings.

If they could fast forward the plan, the siblings would be on their death beds.

The known Valentino sibling's stories would come to an end.

But they wouldn't risk their plan of finishing the sibling's joy and happiness just like that.

Their plan is executing greatly. They wouldn't want their anger to come in between it.


The eldest of the Valentino siblings was tensed. Despite forgetting about the threat for the sake of his sibling's happy moment for a while.

His anger and worry kept increasing after every passing second.

His sister's life is threatened.

And the only thing he could do is wait.

He was disappointed in himself for not looking out for more possible threats.

Disappointed in them, for choosing him to look after his siblings.

The recent threat was no less than the previous one or the upcoming one.

Last time, it was finger with a message. This time, it was another.

The message was the same. Watch out! I'm close!

The finger was sent for a postmortem on the same day of its arrival. And now the finger, which arrived this afternoon, during his visit to Allegra at the hospital.

It was kept, in the plastic bag, right beside the tire of his vehicle.

The reports of both the fingers would be arriving late in the evening. When Leonardo threatened them to chop their fingers down if he didn't receive the report in the next 24 hours.

Antonio got to know about the new threat when we went to do the paperwork regarding Allegra's discharge from the hospital.

Antonio, who was angry and worried, remained calm.

When he thought that Leo was going to yell at Allegra in the hospital lobby, he quickly stepped in, defending Allegra.

About her, not knowing the reason behind his; Leonardo's, anger.

But; what he didn't know was Leo wasn't even the slightest bit angry with Allegra at that moment.

Internally, he was smiling at Allegra's stupid attempt of saving her other brothers from Leonardo's anger.

Externally, he was drained. There was not even an ounce of energy left in him to talk back.

The brothers decided on going to the private beach to clear their minds from all the tension going on.

The boys already sensed something wrong with Leonardo's mood. So, they directly went towards their office and asked him about it.

To which, he retaliates the whole story to them.

The boys, like always, had a different reaction.

Matteo was deeply concerned about his siblings. Too many 'what ifs' thoughts, gathering in his head.

•|Their Joy|•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang