part one

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New York, a crazy city that has a bipolar weather but is a perfect place to be. The city life is what she has always loved, it's fast, it rushes throughout day and night and it's simply magical. It surprised her daily how the city woke up at such an early time, 6:00 a. m. exactly.

Annalise was sitting on the fire escape that's outside the large windows of her living room like she does every morning to admire the sunrise as she enjoys her favourite combo: a good book and a good cup of coffee. She has always loved to admire how Manhattan woke up from her little household in Lennox Hill.

Her wavy, honey blonde locks were braided and few locks danced with the wind that sang a soft melody for them. She took a sip of her coffee as she heard footsteps inside her little apartment. They're awake. She thought, and she was right.

As soon as she stepped into the warmth of her home and left behind the cold morning air, she saw her two roommates talking in the kitchen vividly about the movie marathon they made last night, because only these three were crazy enough to make a Marvel marathon on a Thursday night before Friday.

  "But Steve didn't do anything wrong." Said Lennon as she poured some tea into her usual mug. After living in the UK for a year thanks to an internship, she learned how to make a proper cup of tea and it's what she does all the time and every single morning nowadays. "He was literally so selfless and did one selfish thing what's wrong about that?"

"What's wrong about that?" Said Naomi as she looked at her friend incredulous, leaving the spoon of her cereal on the kitchen bar as an angry, confused and surprised frown appeared on her features. "Okay, he was selfless his entire life, yes, but it was so selfish that he went after Peggy and lived a life with her when she had already lived hers, plus, the line was so fucking short for him and Bucky and it makes me so angry because after helping him for two movies, he abandoned his best friend to dance with Carter and get his 'happy ending'."

"But he deserved his happy ending."

"But it was rushed." She started to eat her cereal quickly as Lise continued to drink her coffee and smiled at the Rogers and Barnes apologists respectively as she sat down on the couch. 

These three are so different in so many ways: Lennon Coldwell is a musician that's in the talking for a contract with an important record label and has released an EP. She's quite short but has a beautiful and slim body figure, curly brown hair and beautiful amber eyes. Naomi Barnes (yes, like her comfort character) is the tallest with long and wavy brown hair, dark blue eyes, hourglass figure and is a doctor, a surgeon to be precise while Lise is average height girl with a triangle body figure, brown eyes and is a journalist that decided —after working on the Entertainment Magazine for three years— to have her own bookshop that she runs with Jessica Clarke, a girl she met in college, even though she still writes a few articles for the magazine.

They obviously went to different Universities —Juilliard (and the University of the Arts in London), Icahn and NYU respectively— but met through friends, boyfriends and ex-boyfriends, they bonded so well that when they graduated, decided to live together.

  "I think we can all agree on that." Annalise finally jumped into their conversation. Her comment caused Nom to point at her with her spoon before she took the last bite of her breakfast and Lenn to roll her eyes.

"Don't you have to go to work or something?" The other two chuckled while Barnes stood up and took her dishes towards the sink.

"In fact I do." She said after she had washed the bowl and spoon, kept the cereals in the cupboard and the milk in the fridge, then, she went to get ready as she sang 'Gorgeous' by Taylor Swift under her breath, a song she uses as alarm. She wanted to be a singer too but decided to be a surgeon instead.

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