part nine

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Anna found herself in the back of the bookshop. The past months had been a great deal for business. Jess and herself cooperated to instal a small coffee shop into the bookshop, on the upper level of the local. Had it been expensive? Yes. Was it worth it? Absolutely. This doubled the customers that walked in. They'd buy a coffee, perhaps a panini, maybe even a book, and sit down to read as they enjoyed breakfast, brunch or lunch, sometimes even dinner.

Now, they had to hire more people and that would also cut a bit shorter the money everyone took home. But still, everyone was happy and that made Lise happy. What didn't make her happy in the slightest was the numbers part. Normally, Jess would take care of it, but she was attending a few customers when Lise decided to help her friend out and do them herself.

Her head ached. She hated this. She hated math, even if it was just basic maths. And she didn't like to be disturbed, for she doesn't trust her brain much as to remember what the last digits were. But, destiny can't make everyone happy.

"Hey." Said Jess. "I really hate to disturb you whilst you're cooking the books, but uh, there's delivery for you." Lise frowned.

"I haven't asked for anything new." Anna checked the calendar. "And the new stock of Schwab's books should be here until Thursday next week."

"I know, but it's there."

"Jess, can't you receive it? Please? I'm in the middle of something."

"They're asking for your signature." Lise sighed. "I'll finish up and you cover me on the front."

"Deal. I'm so done with this." She stood up and both of them laughed as Lise made her way to the front. But her laugh stopped echoing when her eyes met the tall guy in front of her.

"Hi." He said. And thank goodness the place was empty now, otherwise, it would be a mess.

"Hi." She moved a loose lock of blonde hair behind her ear as she approached said brunette with curly hair.

"You disappeared the other day."

"Yeah, yeah." She stopped walking and crossed her arms. "I had to come here and didn't want tu disturb you."

"How have you been?"

"Fine. Fine." That's a bit of a lie, she was a bit down again, but not like months ago. "I don't have much to say to be honest. I've been working here, got my job back." Tim frowned. "I wasn't fired, no, I was asked if I'd like to take a break and I took it."

"Oh, great." They chuckled. "I thought that since the last time—"

"Nah. Nothing like that. Everything's been quiet over here. Unlike you, with awards, traveling around the world, filming project after project..."

"Oh, no. It's all nonsense, believe me." He moved his hands, that were into his pockets. "I had no idea how much nonsense it was, but, nonsense after all." There was a short silence that Tim used to take a deep breath, take his hands out of the pockets and clap them together. He was nervous, so nervous. He hadn't sleep all night, thinking about what he'd say in this moment and looking for something all around town. "Well, um, yesterday was our last day of re-shooting, so, I'm leaving to continue with another project...but...I brought this for you. I looked for it all night and now I'm here to give it to you." He grabbed a rectangular object wrapped in biodegradable maroon paper, then, he placed it on the counter.

"Thank you." He smiled and nodded at her. "Should I ?"

"Oh, no. Not now, I'd be embarrassed." He smiled and she nodded.

"Well, thanks. I don't know what it is, but thanks."

"My sister helped me in the chase to find it and around midnight she called me to say she had it in her apartment." He explained, getting even more nervous with every word he spoke. He spoke quickly. "It's funny, I was walking down the street the other day, past a store and saw it. Thought of you immediately. And I wanted to call you to meet up so I could give it to you more...privately." He added looking around. "But I didn't know how to, not after I behaved like an asshole...twice." He looked at his feet for a second. "And yesterday you came and I figured..." Lise blinked at the confession. "The thing is...the thing is..." She frowned.

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