part eight

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  It had been six months. Almost a year since they've met, but six since they lastly crossed paths. And many things have happened. Lennon and Noah released their album, Tom had been promoted, Naomi was crowned one of the best Doctors in New York according to a Science Magazine and Lise kept her job. She took a break though, from everything.

  She had mentally fallen onto a place where she was down and off for months. She was distant with her peers, not willing to participate as often as before on different hangouts, she didn't find the motivation to write or read. She was disconnected from everything. Specially since one or two paparazzis continued to show up at her house.

  For about three months she struggled to get our of bed because of the constant overwhelming feeling she had. Eventually, she managed to get up one day and take a long shower, that made the wave go away while she stayed by the shore to dry her clothes with the sunlight. The clouds in her mind were finally going away.

Not to mention that for two of the following months, she met up with Josh, remember him? The cute doctor? Yeah. They hanged out almost every weekend and eventually developed something close to a relationship, but she didn't accept on going on any further. Her mind was somewhere else and she didn't think it would be fair for him. And Josh understood. Bless his soul.

  She sent her monthly articles but there was a problem. After a while, Lise felt like she wasn't that connected with her job anymore. Patty realised how it took longer for Annalise to write and how she'd hand in everything a day before the deadline when she used to hand it in, at least, two weeks prior or the way it would be very repetitive. She was kind enough to ask Anna to take a break, as long as she needed and come back when she felt ready. Truth is, she thought Annalise was going through a writing blockade, but still, the intention is what mattered.

  And so she did. Lise would go to the bookshop every day, even the days it was only Jess' turn to. The vibe and the calmness she felt while being in one of her happy placed made her feel more relaxed. One day, she walked into the shop and started her day, only that when Jess arrived, alongside two of the most frequent customers —Lennon and Noah— it seemed as if they were plotting something. Lise narrowed her eyes at them when they approached the counter.

"Hi..." Said she as she placed her current read down. "What are you up to?" Jess chuckled as she made her way to the back to leave her stuff.

"Handing in your coffee order." Said Lenn as she gave Lise her caramel macchiato.

"Thanks." Lennon nodded before poking with her elbow Noah's ribs. "New hair!" Lennon went from having pink hair to blue hair and now it wasn't an ombré style, it was her whole head. "I love it!"

"And I love u." They smiled at each other. "Okay, so, I got you something. Something which will make love me so much you would want to hug me every day for the rest of your life." Lise smiled.

"Goodness. What is it?"

"The number of Timotheé's agent here, in New York, London and Budapest." Lise raised her eyebrows as Noah handed over a piece of paper, that she took.

"Listen." Lennon called the attention. "You think about him all the time, now you can call him."

"You know I still have his phone number right? His personal one."

"I...didn't. But still, if he doesn't answer then you can call the agents."

"Right. Yeah." Anna faked an optimism and tried to not fake the smile but give a genuine. "Thank you." The couple nodded.

"See you tonight." The brunette said as they walked towards the door. She turned around abruptly when she saw Lise's co-worker. "Oh, Jessica, sexy cardi." Jess chuckled at the comment before Noah opened the door, gave Anna a thumbs up and they both walked out. She sighed.

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