Chapter Eight | Penelope and Weapons

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"Penelope, dear

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"Penelope, dear."

Leo hedged closer as Penelope watched the line of gentlemen gather their gear. He spoke in a warning tone, and it had a soft mimicking quality that caused her to straighten her spine. She glared at him out of the corner of her eye.

One blonde strand of hair hung in front of his amused blue gaze.

"Leo, darling," she replied stiffly.

Inching even closer, he hissed in her ear. "What, precisely, were you thinking by arranging this little gathering?"

"I am entertaining, my lord. I would have thought that obvious."

"Entertaining," Colonel Ash repeated, snorting on the other side of her. "Yes, quite. I swear it is as though I am watching a very poorly plotted play."

"Excuse me?"

Penelope whipped her head around to glare at the colonel. His jaw was set in a hard line, and his eyes were busy sweeping across the lawn. Too busy to return her pointed look.

He was often too busy, Penelope had learned. Colonel Ash had barely glanced her way ever since that moment in the tub when Penelope had all but propositioned him. She flushed just thinking about it, wishing she had maintained a bit more decency. But the man had watched her hungrily that entire afternoon, and Penelope simply just did not believe in beating around a pointless bush.

"It is very poorly plotted," he said dryly. "The suspense will be over before the second act has even begun, and I do not reckon there will be a happy ending."

"Yes," Leo agreed, nodding. Penelope felt his chin graze his shoulder, and she wished her faux-older brother would give her space. "That is what happens when you show the enemy where all the weapons are housed on the estate and then hand one over to him."

She rolled her eyes. "You are both being ridiculous."

"Are we?" Colonel Ash drawled, his eyes scanning the gentlemen. And their guns, which Penelope had, in fact, provided so they could enjoy an afternoon of target practice. As she maintained, it was entertainment. For men. Is this not what they liked to do? She was certain if her husband were here, he would have done something quite similar. She should not wish for her male attendees to bore themselves just because there was not a man of the house present.

"Yes," Penelope snapped. "You are. Being ridiculous." She lowered her voice. "If Lord Lawton is truly in the business of smuggling, do you honestly think he did not already come prepared with weapons of his own? This way, we can assess his competence with the damn things."

Leo made a slight humming noise as he considered what she'd said. "I suppose you have a point, Pen."

She sniffed. "Thank you."

"There is still no reason why you must be here," Colonel Ash muttered, seeming annoyed that Leo had agreed with her.

"I am the hostess." Honestly, Penelope did not think it was that much of a concept to be able to grasp.

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