Chapter 8 - Catch Us If You Can

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Hajime: "Why are these punks so intent on pissing me off today?!!"

Hitoshi: "Ready or not, here I come!"

Hajime: "No, Hitoshi! Wait for me!!"

Hitoshi: "Stop in the name of the law!"

I turned my head to see him skipping after us.


Uno: "So what do you really think?"

Rock: "Huh? About what?"

Uno: "About Hitoshi!"

Rock: "Well, if he was Hajime's brother, then you think he'd be fairly athletic. Seems like he's even slower than Jyugo."

Jinx: "I'm kinda scared we'll lose him."

Hitoshi: "Hey, stop running, you punks!"

Jinx: "I think he's even slower than me. And I have short legs."

Uno: "No way is he Hajime's brother!"

Rock: "Yeah, would it bug you that much if it turned out he was?"

Uno: "That's not an option! He might look like a gorilla, but he's also smart, disciplined, graceful, and let's just face it, he's probably a better gambler than me! That big dumb gorilla face of his doesn't make him any less tall, competent, or accomplished either! And it sure as hell doesn't make up for his total lack of weaknesses! That's annoying enough in itself but now I find out he's got a super stylish, pretty looking little brother too?! One man can only have so much, he's hording all the good stuff in life!"

Jinx: "Uno, you're honestly scaring me with the amount of credit your giving him."

Uno: "Sorry, lil sis but... AGH! IT PISSES ME OFF!!"

After a while of running, they stopped and Rock let me down.

Rock: "I don't see Hajime or Hitoshi anywhere."

Uno: "We got pretty far ahead. They'll need some time. And that's time we can use."

He walked over to the wall and started examining it.

Jinx: "What are you doing?"

Uno: "Just a little something. You know, to liven up the game."

Jinx: "You're looking for a trap trigger, aren't you?"

Uno: "Uh huh."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand before putting it over a small spot on the wall.

Jinx: "Right there."

He smiled.

Uno: "Thanks, Jinx!"

Jinx: "Be careful. I can only sniff out the switch. I don't know what it does."

Rock: "She's right, man-"


He started marching towards us.

Hajime: "I'm gonna twist you all into one big pretzel!"

Rock: "Shouldn't we be running?!"

Uno: "Hold your horses, I wanna try this out."

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