Chapter 27 - Stupid Guards

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The guards caught up to us.

Kokoriki: "Hey, what's Ruka doing out of his cell?"

Youriki: "Yeah, what's going on here?"

Uno: "He's the guard I was telling you guys about! This sadistic kappa's been trying to kill us! Now do your friggen jobs and capture his ass!"

Youriki: "Well damn, this is a real dilemma. If they were being honest about this much, then the thing about Enki might be true."

Kokoriki: "I hope not. We'll get a whole lot worse than a pay cut if it is. Anyway, about Ruka, should we arrest him?"

Jinx: "That shouldn't even be a question!"

Ruka: "Go ahead, make my day! Try and turn against me! See what happens to you!"

They suddenly looked terrified.

Kokoriki: "What should we do, Youriki? Who do we prioritise in a case like this? Ruka's our predecessor, but those guys are from another building."

Youriki: "Huh... I don't know. They're all escaped inmates. We're in a real pickle here. I don't think they covered this back in basic."

Jinx, Uno, Honey & Trois: "Think harder, damn it!! This shouldn't be that tough!!"

Uno: "At the very least, I think you idiots can agree to capture all of us!"

Kokoriki: "Hm, I've reached a decision. The outsiders are more annoying, let's capture them first."

Youriki: "Yeah, I'm up for that. We can talk things out with Ruka afterwards."


Jinx: "Talk things out?! Oh suuure! Why told you sit down and have tea with the DANGEROUS UNDERGROUND PRISONER?!?"

Honey: "I'm pretty much at a loss here. Seems like we'll end up captured no matter what we do."

Trois: "Get back!"

He threw up an explosive, caving in the ceiling between us and the guards.

Uno: "We can't just fight those guys. They'd charge us with obstruction of official duties. We're at a major disadvantage."

Trois: "I'd like to avoid running into them again. Those two guards are almost as bad as the kappa."

Honey: "It feels like we're running out of options here."

Trois: "I can't say your wrong, but the option I have in mind might be the only one we need."

Uno & Honey: "Wait, really?!"

Trois: "Yes. Jinx, you said Kiji was on this floor, right?"

Jinx: "Mhm."

Trois: "Do you remember where?"

Jinx: "Well, we kept getting turned around and around back there, but he won't be hard to find again. His perfume is in the air."

Uno and Honey suddenly looked like they were going to be sick.

Honey: "Oh yeah."

Uno: "Thanks for bringing that up. Now I smell it too."

Honey: "You'd think I'd get used to it."

Uno: "Cool, though. If the scent's this strong, he must be pretty close, right?"

Jinx: "I can smell it from anywhere on this level, but if you can now smell it too, then I guess so."

Trois: "I first caught the scent from Ruka. There's no way to be sure, but there's a reasonable chance that he was with Kiji before he ran into us. What do you think? Is that information useful?"

Uno: "Yeah. Hear me out, okay?"


Honey: "Huh?!"

Uno: "You like it?"

Honey: "There's no way that plan would work. It's leaving too much to chance."

Trois: "Really? I was about to say we should go for it."

Jinx: "I mean, it's risky... but it's the best thing we got."

Uno: "Nothing like a long shot to get the adrenaline pumping. But, hey, if Honey doesn't feel like he can take the heat, forget it."

Honey: "You can't goad me!!"

Uno and I giggled.

Honey: "So annoying... Fine! I'll do it!"

Uno: "Sweet. I'm betting we'll pull it off. And I'm a damn good gambler. So we can't lose."

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