Chapter 26 - Chained

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We froze when the two guards stood up.

???: "Hello there. Explain your presence here at once. I've never seen you before. What's your building?"

Jyugo: "Uhm..."

Jinx: "Wait, wh-who are you again?"

Kokoriki: "I'm Kokoriki Daisen, this is my brother Youriki. We're guards of building 5. Now, answer my question."

Jyugo: "They're... not trying to kill us..."

Uno whispered.

Uno: "They're talisman free now. I bet they're back to normal."

Jinx: "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Uno: "Let's find out."

He walked over to them.

Uno: "Long story, but we're definitely not down here cause we wanna be. We left our cells looking for something with our supervisor, but he got lost. Boy, are we lucky we ran into you fine officers. Could you help us? OOF-!"

Youriki punched him hard in the gut. He fell to his knees.

Jinx & Jyugo: "Uno!"

Youriki: "Fraid not. Nanba policy is to treat any prisoner not in their cell as an escape threat. We'll be taking you back into custody now."

I ran towards Youriki.

Jinx: "Bastard! What was that for?!"

He just effortlessly picked me up by the scruff of my shirt.

Jinx: "Put me down!"

Jyugo: "Jinx! Uno, are you alright?"

Uno: "Ugh- I'm fine... Hey man, give us back our sister!"

Jyugo: "Yeah, she's not in the wrong!"

Kokoriki: "Wait a minute, Youriki."

Youriki: "Hm?"

Kokoriki: "I've heard Samon and others talk about the only girl inmate in Nanba. And the youngest. I think she's it."

Jinx: "No duh! What was your first clue?!"

Jyugo took me from him.

Jyugo: "Alright, feisty pants, that'll do."

Jinx: "Don't care! There was no reason for him to hit Uno! Can't you hear us out?!"

Kokoriki: "Huh? We did hear you out. Just a second ago. When your clever friend here was giving us nothing but bullshit."

Uno: "Okay, fine! I'll tell you the truth!"

Kokoriki: "Truth about what?"

Uno: "The old supervisor here has escaped from his cell. He locked us up along with several guards. We have no idea what he's planning, but he and his friends are pretty much in control of the building right now. I think that should take priority over us!"

Jyugo: "Yeah, we're just trying to find our supervisors so we can get back to our buildings."

Uno: "And one of his guards just tried to kill us!"

Kokoriki: "Hm, I don't see any reason for us to take this escapee and his word."

Youriki: "Gotta say though, it's pretty ballsy of him to bring up Enki of all things."

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