Chapter 2

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Nick's POV: 

I just got to the hospital and I spotted Andrea. 

"Hi Andrea what have you found out?" 

"She hasn't said a word. I've been in there for an hour and she hasn't said anything. She just stares at the wall." 

"What did the doctors say about her injuries." 

"First what did the boys say?" 

"They agreed it would be good to take her." 

"Ok then I can tell you. She had to be sedated for awhile to be examined she was so scared. She has whip lashes on her back, bruises and cuts on her legs, arms, and stomach. On her thighs she has hand prints suggesting she was sexually assaulted, but they didn't want to traumatize her further by figuring it out for sure. She also has hand marks on her neck from being choked. Her face alone is another list. She has a black eye, a large cut from her upper cheek across to her neck, bruising on her jaw, and small cuts over her face. She is also extremely malnourished. She has scars all over her body suggesting this has been going on for awhile." 

I was speechless. 

This poor girl has been through so much. 

I hope I can help show help her even a little bit. 

"I-I don't have words..." 

"It's a lot to take in." 

"Any word on her father?" 

"He's in a hospital a county over."

"When can she come home?" 

"If there aren't any complications she can come home tomorrow. Would you like to see her?" 


I went to her room her bed was Empty. 

"Where is she?" 

"She was right here." 

We heard a whimper from the corner of the room and there she sat in a ball trying to make herself smaller. 

She looked so broken. 

"Hi, my name is Nick. It's nice to meet you officially. What's your name?" 

I didn't get a response. 

"That's ok I can do the talking for both of us. Probably tomorrow you'll come to my house."

Still no response. 

"Until then can I bring you anything? I could get books, or art supplies, some more comfortable clothes?" 

Still no response. 

"Well maybe I'll bring you a few things just incase." 

I turned to Andrea. 

"Has she eaten?" 

"No not yet." 

"Ok can we get her some food?" 

"Yes, Hun do you want anything specific to eat?" 

She was just staring at the wall. 

I've had a few kiddo's come to me straight from the hospital, but none of them in this bad of shape. 

"We'll just bring up a few things." 

We got her some jello, pizza, and apple juice. 

She wouldn't touch it.  

It only seemed to panic her. 

I think I know what's going on. 

"Hey it's ok. You can eat it. Nothing will happen to you if you eat it."

She picked up the pizza and took a bite. 

Then she looked at me to make sure it was ok.

"You never have to wait for permission to eat anymore." I told her. 

She ate about half her piece of pizza and stopped. 

"All finished?" I asked with a smile. 

She nodded. 

That's progress. 

"Ok great. I'm gonna go and get you a few things cause visiting hours are gonna be over soon and I don't want you to be bored." 

I was about to walk out the door when I had a thought. 

Does she know how to read? 

"Hey before I go do you like to read?" I asked it that way incase she thought I was thinking she was stupid. 

Not that people who don't know how to read are stupid, but still. 

She nodded again. 

At the store I got a sketchbook, colored pencils, a few books, and some comfy PJ's. 

When I got back to the hospital she was still in a ball. 

"Ok I got some books, art supplies, and PJ's. Do you want a nurse to help you change?" 

She shook her head. 

"Ok do you need help to the bathroom?" 

She shook her head. 

"Ok that's fine." 

She started to try to get out of bed. 

She almost fell and it took everything in me not to rush to her. 

When she came out the clothes practically hung off of her. 

I got a size small, but I guess that wasn't small enough. 

"Visiting hours are over." 

"Ok do you need anything else?" I asked. 

She shook her head. 

"Ok well I will see you tomorrow is that ok?" 

She nodded. 

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