Chapter 31

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A/N- Ok guys I would love some input on how you want the story to go. Should I bring her dad in to do some fuckery soon ish? I want her to have a break for a bit, but I don 't know what to do in the meantime.

Ace's POV: 

Everyone was over for a sleep over for Beans first night home from the hospital. 

Bean whispered something into Sage's ear and then he stood up. 

"Ok everyone you are in luck. Bean wants to paint everyones nails again and I have nail polish still in my car." 

"Are we calling you Bean still or is it Maisy now?" Ezra asked.

"I like both." 

"Fair enough." 

She bounced over to Nick. 

"Can I paint your nails too?" 

"I'd love that." He said. 

"Hey Bean can I talk to you?" I asked. 

She nodded and I could tell it made her a bit nervous. 

I make her nervous. 

We went into the other room and sat down. 

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for scaring you a few weeks ago. I don't want you to be scared of me. I want you to be able to rely on me like the others." 

"So you wouldn't be mad if I asked for help?" 

"Not at all. I'd love it if you would." 

"Ok. Wanna help me pick people's nail colors." 

"I think you should do another Neon pink for Ezra. Just keep him with that."

"You got it." 

"Thanks for talking with me." I said as we walked back out. 

"Sorry it's kind of hard with the cast." She said starting with Xander's nails. 

Everyone is still tense about how she got those injuries. 

"Don't worry about it." 

She painted everyone's nails and she fell asleep watching the movie. 

She fell asleep laying across Emmett and Ezra's lap. 

Nick came in and took a picture. 

"Nick...Nick! I have to pee!" Ezra whisper yelled to Nick. 

"And My leg is asleep." Emmett said. 

"You guys really wanna wake her up?" 

They mumbled a "No"

A/N-Ok sorry for the short chapter that has already pretty much been a chapter, but I have no idea what to write anymore, but I don't wanna stop this book yet. Let me know what you think should happen next. 

-Emmett :)

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