Chapter 22

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Xander's POV: 

Nick suggested that each of the fosters take Maisy out and do some bonding time. 

He thought I should go first since she's been pretty attached lately. 

"Let's go Bean." I said as I grabbed then car keys. 

"Be safe." Nick said. 

Bean automatically went to sit in the back seat. 

"What are you doing? Come sit up front." I said chuckling a little bit. 

"Ok what do you wanna do?" 

She didn't answer. 

"This is gonna be way more boring if you don't talk the whole time. I can decide though. I vote ice cream. Emmett works at this ice cream place so we can go make his job harder." I said smiling. 

She nodded her head, but was looking out the window. 

I sighed and drove to the ice cream shop. 

"Are you familiar with the best music artist of all time, Kesha?" 

She shook her head. 

"Damn you really did live under a rock." 

Her leg started bouncing. 

"Sorry that was rude. Anyways don't tell a soul I listen to Kesha my toxic masculinity will be damaged as Sage says. However we first have to listen to the best song ever written by Corinne  Bailey Rae, Put Your Records On. And don't get it confused with that rubbish cover by that one dude." 

She looked over and giggled a little. 

I put on my favorite song and started singing. 

I blasted it, but halfway through she tapped my shoulder. 

"What's up?" I asked turning down the radio. 

"My Mom sang this to me.." She quietly said. 

"Do you know the words?" I asked. 

She nodded. 

"Then sing it with me. I'll start it over." 

She shook her head. 

"Come on it'll be loud so I'll hardly hear you."

I turned on the song and started jamming out to it. 

I looked over and saw her tapping her leg along with the song. 

We pulled up the the ice cream shop. 

Emmett immediately sighed and shook his head smiling when he saw us. 

"What are you guys doing here?" 

"To bug you and get ice cream." I said. 

When Bean saw all the different flavors her eyes lit up. 

"You can get as much ice cream as you can eat." I told her. 

She tapped my shoulder and I had to bend down for her to be able to whisper in my ear. 

"What's Mint chip?" 

"Can we have a stample of mint chip?" 

"God I hate how you say sample." Emmett said. 

"It feels better on my mouth to say like that." 

"Whatever. For Bean of course she can, however for you. No." 

"Here you go Bean." He handed Bean the ice cream on those little tiny spoons. 

She smiled really big. 

"Can I have this one please?" She said at a normal volume. 

"Of course. Do you want it in a cup or a cone?" I asked her. 

"What's a cone?" She asked quietly. 

"They taste like sweet cardboard." Emmett said. 

"No thank you." She whispered. 

She's retreating back into her shell. 

I don't know why that makes me so sad. 

"We'll take three scoops of mint chip and two scoops of chocolate peanut butter."I said. 

I don't think she was listening. 

She was looking around in astonishment. 

"Can I sit with you guys?" Emmett asked. 

"Bean is that ok?" I asked. 

She snapped out of it and nodded. 

When she started eating her ice cream she was doing this cute little happy dance. 

"Do you like it?" Emmett asked smiling at her. 

She nodded. 

We were having a really good time, she even talked a little bit more. 

Emmett and I weren't very nice in the beginning, well more so me than him, but he seems to have turned around. 

She ate a little less than a scoop. 

She felt really bad, but Emmett and I finished it. 

Happily I'll add. 

"Are you coming to study tonight?" She asked him.

"Yeah I think so, why?"  

"I saw your quiz grade, so I thought you could use my help." 

"AHAHAHA Dude you just got roasted so hard!!" I Laughed so hard. 

"Damn I feel so called out. And by Bean no less." He was laughing too. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that was mean. I didn't mean to. Are you mad?" 

"No no no. That was hilarious. Please keep it up." He said. 

We left when his break was over, but on the way home she asked to listen to that song again. 

I walked in the kitchen to see Bean doing the dishes and humming that song we listened to in the car. 

"So what was your Mom like?" 

She jumped a little not expecting me to be there. 

"She was amazing. She could make me laugh even when I had just gotten punished a few minutes earlier. She stopped him sometimes." 

"She sounds great." 

"She was." 

Zero walked in and immediately she stopped talking and kept washing the dishes. 

"Hey Bean how are you?" 

She didn't answer. 

"She likes me more now. She talked so much today." 

"What? She does not." 

"Bean who do you like more?" He asked. 

She again didn't answer. 

A/N- Ok I hope you enjoyed this chapter it's a little longer than I usually post so I hope you like it! 

-Luna :)

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