Chapter 5

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Nick's POV: 

She's hardly been sleeping and it shows. 

And when she does she wakes up screaming. 

Everyone is very on edge and tired.

Kiddo starts school in three days, she still hasn't told us her name and I just woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hey I'm coming to visit you. I'll be there in about three hours!" My brother yelled into the phone as soon as I answered. 

"Wai-No. Now isn't a good time. There's a new foster so you don't have a room right now." 

"No problem I can crash on the couch. More boys for me to bro out with." 

"It's a very traumatized girl, please say you have a backup..." 

"A girl? You've never fostered girls before. I do not have backup it'll only be about a week." 

"It was kind of an emergency situation. Come on not even a hotel?" 

"Gasp. You'd let your little brother stay in a hotel?"


"Too bad so sad. You're stuck with me." He said and hung up.

"Ugh!!! Family meeting in the living room!" I called out. 

"So as most of you know. I have a brother. He's coming to visit and he'll be here in a few hours."

"Hold up. Drew's coming?" Ace asked. 

"Yes. I know we'd usually rearrange rooms a bit so he could have a room, but this time he'll crash on the couch." 

"How long is he staying for?" 

"About a week."

"Can we have our friends over to just hangout? They love him." Arlo asked. 

"Maybe in a few days. Let's get everything settled first." 

"You mean see how little miss no name here reacts to him?"  Xander snapped. 

"Xander that was uncalled for." Ace said. 

"Whatever." He got up and left.

I followed him. 

"Xander what is up man? You've been so mean to her since she got here. I thought you were on board." 

"She's more work than she's worth. I thought you'd want a girl in the house because of your wife, but she's not a girl. She's a ghost." 

He said and walked into his room.

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