Veritas Revelata

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The Carriage rolled up to the Castle. Ben and Mal walked out hand in hand. Mal's hand tightened as Ben looked over at her. "So what do we do now?", Mal asked.

"We just go through with the Coronation and then I'll make an announcement that we're no longer together. I may also have an idea for your future here Mal.", Ben answered.

"Okay?", Mal replied with a furl in her brow.

"Evie! Jay! Big news. The Muffin was a bust but the spell was already broken.", Mal thought to the two.

"What? How?", Jay asked.

"Do you think Carlos' kiss broke the spell?", Evie interjected.

"Bingo! Can you guys let Carlos know?", Mal asked.

The two entered the Grand Hall. All eyes were on them. Mal felt a lump in her throat as she watched Audrey and her Grandmother stare daggers into her. They then made eye contact with their friends, all smiles. After that they saw King Adam and Queen Belle in the center of the Royal Hall with the Fairy Godmother and Jane who seemed rather sad today.
     Thunderous applause erupted from the crowd as the Fairy Godmother stepped forward towards Ben. Mal took a step back to give Ben space for the ceremony to start. As the Fairy Godmother drew out her Magic Wand, the whole audience looked at it with awe. Mal stared heavily at it's Silver Shine and the sparkle of it's Pearl Accented Aura. The voice in the back of her head telling her it wasn't too late. She could still make her mother happy and finally win her approval. It was all within reach.
     That's when Mal felt all eyes on her. She realized her hand was extended outward. She looked at her friends and then Ben and knew what she had to do. "I don't belong here. Ben, you and I both know that someone else belongs at your side today for this monumental event. I need to make things right.", she exclaimed.
     Ben just gave her a nodding approval to continue. Mal walked over to her friends and took Carlos by the hand. His eyes widened in shock and he tried to recoil away but Mal reassured her friend that it was okay. They began to walk over to Ben with Evie and Jay following behind for support.
     The two boys looked into each other's eyes. Carlos felt light and fluttery. As if his stomach had grown baby bird wings and wasn't that good at flying out. He tried to muster up something, anything to say but he was speechless like Queen Ariel. "Hey there Good Boy.", Ben said with the warmest smile that ever graced Auradon.

"Hi...", Carlos said as he held back tears of joy.

     Their faces started to get closer for what seemed like centuries. Just as their lips were about to meet, a scream echoed in the hall. Everyone turned to see Jane struggling with her mother for the Magic Wand. It was in Jane's hands as her face was covered with a wild desperation. "Jane! Don't do this...", Mal said with worry.

"Jane. Hand it back to me. Now.", the Fairy Godmother demanded.

"No! I'm using this to finally get what I want. To be beautiful and popular and be my best self.", Jane yelled.

     Jane pointed the Magic Wand skyward. The most powerful item in all of Auradon was her's to use. She tried to manifest the most ideal version of herself. As she lifted her eyes, nothing. Jane then channeled more frantic energy from herself and out through the Magic Wand. A bolt of lightning was released. It ended up hitting the barrier that surrounded the Isle of the Lost and made it start to crack...


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