Third Days A Charm

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The day started like normal. Everyone headed to their individual classes. Carlos went to Biology, almost late which was his weakness. When he arrived, he noticed something different. There was only one seat left, next to Ben. Carlos cautiously walked up to the table. "What are you doing here?", Carlos asked almost expecting to find Audrey pop up out of nowhere.

"I switched classes like you suggested. Now we're lab partners.", Ben said excitedly. "That's okay, right?", Ben asked.

"Definitely. It's a nice surprise.", Carlos answered.

Carlos sat himself next to Ben. Both grinning ear to ear. The small boy's stomach growled loudly that the whole class must have heard but was ignoring it. Ben pulled a paper bag out and in front of Carlos. "Take it. I already ate too much.", Ben said.

"What is it?", Carlos asked.

"Open and find out goof.", Ben teased playfully.

As Carlos opened the bag, he saw a double chocolate chip muffin. The smell was intoxicating. He turned to Ben who just was staring and gave him a big grin. The class had started it's lecture point and they sat quietly listening.
Then came the lab experiment. They were viewing cells under a microscope. Ben took a look first and started to jot down notes. "So how did Audrey take the news you wouldn't have all your classes together.", Carlos whispered so not to get the attention of the other students.

"Not well but I need a break from her.", Ben whispered a little too loudly.

"What is the other class you switched?", Carlos asked.

"I will be taking English Lit during fourth period.", he answered.

"With me.", Carlos said faintly.

"Is that so?", Ben said with a smile. "Plus we have Tourney together. Be careful, or you might end up my new Audrey."

Carlos wondered what he meant by that but the bell rang and they were both having to head to their next classes.
During first period Evie came into Math Class. Quiz grades from the day before were being handed out. When her's was handed to her it was a F. Doug happened to look over with a shocked face. "That's weird. You've been good with the questions in class.", he said.

"So?", Evie eyed. Maybe she should dumb herself down in class too.

""Well, it would be as almost as if you purposely failed the quiz.", Doug suggested.

He saw right through her. Evie looked down and was blushing hard. Doug looked at Evie and felt bad for mentioning it. "Listen, be smart. You are lucky to be one of those that have it all. Brains and beauty.", he explained.

"Really? Isn't that a turn off for boys though?", she asked thinking of her mother.

"That's dumb. If it is for a guy then he won't do you any good anyways.", Doug explained.

Evie just nodded. Doug was smart and usually made sense and she caught onto that. She gave him a smile as they paid attention to the rest of the class.
     The Core Four met at Remedial Goodness Class. They all sat together and did really well today in class. The Fairy Godmother was pleased. As the class ended Fairy Godmother she asked Mal to stay. "Mal...Jane came home last night a little changed.", Fairy Godmother started.

" don't like the hair?", Mal assumed.

"It's lovely but I'm just wondering. Where did you get the spell?", she asked.

     Mal looked down at her open backpack. She wasn't sure if she should show her mom's spellbook but she was pretty sure the Fairy Godmother knew where. She then bit her lip and pulled the book out. "Please don't take it from me. I just wanted to do good with it and Jane seemed so happy after the spell.", Mal pleaded.

"Mal, I saw the intent. I know you didn't mean harm. It's actually great that you want to change something dark into light.", The Fairy Godmother assured her.

"Thank you.", Mal sighed.

"You know. I did the same thing. Granted I was more trained but you remind me a lot of myself.", The Fairy Godmother smiled.

     Mal joined her team for lunch. They all ate when Jay finally raised his hand to get everyone's attention. "So, we discovered something last night.", he said waving at him and Carlos.

"What?", Mal said.

"Ben invited us to his coronation. That's the good news.", Jay started taking a bite of his burger.

"And? What's the bad news?", Mal demanded.

"Well, only his parents and girlfriend will be close to him.", Jay said.

"Oh...", Mal said.

"So I was wondering. What kind of love spells are in the book?", Jay said.

     Mal's face brightened up. She did feel a bit guilty after the talk with The Fairy Godmother but thought about how proud her mom would be. She flipped through the book and found a Love Potion that gets baked into a chocolate chip cookie. "Well Evie, looks like you're getting your prince.", Mal said.

"I'm not really interested.", Evie said looking at Carlos' sad face.

"Fine. Guess I'll just take this one for the team.", Mal said. "Audrey's face will be priceless."

     Carlos walked away saying he didn't feel good. He wanted to volunteer but also didn't want to create fake moments with Ben when they've had such great ones these last few days.
     That's when Jane walked up with her friend Lonnie. Lonnie looked away from Jay. "Mal, my friend Lonnie here saw what you did for me and was wondering if you could do the same for her.", Jane said.

"Okay...", Mal agreed.

"Beware, Forswear, Replace Old With Cool Hair!"

     Lonnie's head made the same jerking motions. Mal smiled seeing the spell work. Lonnie was excited when given a mirror. "Thank you Mal! I owe you.", Lonnie said.

"Don't worry. I'll think of something.", Mal said giving a wicked grin.

     Having Auradon Prep Students willingly be spelled by Mal will make it easier for her to rule them later on, Mal thought to herself.

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