Hearts Beat As One

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    Silence filled the Royal Hall as everyone stared at Jane. The air crackled with a thick tension. Mal slowly walked towards Jane with caution but before she could reach her a loud crash broke the silence.
Maleficent came down through the ceiling in her Dragon form. Terrified screams from everyone in the Hall as people scattered. With a whip of her tail Jane was knocked into the wall. Carlos crawled to Ben as he was knocked out on the floor. However a taloned hand reached out and picked the Royal up and swatted Carlos away. "MOTHER!", Mal screamed out with her eyes radiating green.

"Child...", Maleficent's voice eerily echoed throughout the Hall.

     The room heated up from Maleficent's presence. She exuded her power with each step towards Mal. It wrapped around the young fairy and choked her. Carlos grabbed a nearby sword and launched it at Maleficent's arm. The sword sunk into her scaled flesh and she released both Ben from her claws and Mal from her magic. Mal was met with Evie and Jay. Their hands entwined as Mal chanted...

"Air Near And Far, Hold Our Prisoner In Tar!"

     With that Maleficent's Dragon Body started to slow down. It gave opportunity for people to run. Ben and Jane were both escorted out by their parents. All that was left in the room was the VK's and Maleficent. "So what do we do now? We can't hold her forever.", Evie asked.

"Do you have any other spells Mal?", Jay asked.

      Mal really didn't have any other spells she could use. At least not against someone as powerful as her mother. She looked at her friends with a worried look and just gave them all a hug. Tears started running down her face. She knew this would be it. "I'm sorry guys. She's going to escape and I have nothing.", Mal cried out.

"Guys...we can handle this. At least we're together.", Carlos said.

"Mal...what if we make up our own new spell?", Evie suggested.

"Yeah, like Carlos said. We're together. And together we can do anything.", Jay said.

"Well, die or die trying. I opt we die trying.", Mal said as she held out her hands.

     Mal's hands and eyes burned green. Evie and Jay each put a hand on her shoulder. The two then reached for Carlos' hands. Carlos looked up, "But I don't have any magic."

"You might not have any magic but like you said, we're together.", Mal replied.

     Carlos took his friends hands and a huge light aura surrounded the four. It powered them all. Mal started a chant.

"Hearts Beat As One, Pounding Like A Drum."

     Mal continued chanting and then was joined by her friends. They continued as Maleficent kept creeping closer to them faster and faster. With each chant of the spell they could hear the pounding of their hearts all synchronized to each other. The earth beneath them shook and Maleficent shined bright as she was about to close her jaws on them. Where Maleficent's Dragon Body was stood a Purple Salamander. Mal scooped it up in her hands. She knew this to be her mother. It was not done by Spell or Curse however she recognized it as a permanent transmogrification. Maleficent would forever be this.
     The Four VK's left for outside. Mal showed they won and everyone in the kingdom cheered. Ben and Jane were awake. The Fairy Godmother took Jane's hand and they held the wand together. A Silver Sparkling beam pointed at the breaking barrier at the Isle of the Lost and fixed it. Jane was happy to be doing this with her mom. To be practicing Magick.
     King Adam suggested that the coronation be done quickly before anymore interruptions happen. With that Ben was pronounced King and again everyone cheered.
     Carlos started to walk around the garden. Everyone was talking about going to the party happening later that night. Evie was invited by Doug and Jay asked Lonnie if she wanted to go. Mal decided to fly solo along with Jane. Carlos' phone began to buzz. A text message came through, "Hey Good Boy...meet me at our spot."

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