chapter 25.

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Qu'as- tu fait, Emaline

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Qu'as- tu fait, Emaline.

That sentence woke me up out of a very peaceful sleep. I slowly sat up in the bed and looked over at Anthonie.

He looked so peaceful in his sleep, like he had nothing to worry about anymore. I leaned down and pressed a swift kiss to his forehead before getting out of bed quietly.

I made my way towards the bathroom, used it, and splashed some water in my face. Grabbing my brush, I brushed my hair back into a low bun before leaving the bathroom.

I slipped into some fuzzy socks and grabbed my phone before tip-toeing out of the room. If he woke up he would come and find me eventually.

My stomach growled as I made my way into the kitchen. My laptop bag lay on the kitchen counter due to me finishing up some finances for the dance studio after dinner, and looking at some baby things with Abby.

"What do you want little piggy?" I hummed as I made my way to the fridge. My hand absentmindedly made its way to my stomach as I scanned the fridge.

I didn't want anything in there.

The stove clock read two a.m.. I was in the
mood for some ice cream at two a.m. in the morning, and some cap'n crunch.

I walked towards the cabinet and reached for one bowl. Then I made my way to the freezer and pulled out the vanilla ice cream tub. I normally don't go for vanilla... obviously...

But it's the only ice cream that I would dare top with cap'n crunch cereal.

I put the ice cream in the freezer before making my way to the stools and plopping down. I placed my bowl at a safe distance away from my laptop.

"Now I know that my mind isn't playing tricks on me." I murmur as I open up my laptop and go to my file from that night.

I spent half an hour listening to every word that was exchanged. It was only torture for me and my mind because the more I listened, the more I wanted to bash her fucking skull in.

"Qu'as-tu fait, Emaline."

And there it was.

I was fluent in a few languages due to my travels but I was a little rusty on my french. That was probably one of the most complicated languages I had been forced to learn.

"Qu'as-tu fait, Emaline." I mumbled to myself as I pulled the spoon out of my mouth. I repeated the words as I tried to piece it together in english.

What have you done, Emaline.

"Holy fudge sticks up a s fudge tree, this couldn't get any fucking better." I huffed out a laugh as I picked up my ice cream bowl. "Rose you sneaky little rat."

"Why are you up so early?" I smile to myself as I hear his husky morning voice. I could hear his footsteps coming closer as he made his way towards me.

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