chapter 45.

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Rhea Knight

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Rhea Knight

Time was flying by in an untimely manner.

I was less than two weeks away from my due date and Roman was still in his coma. It seemed as if time wasn't on my side and it was killing me because I could do nothing about it.

To be closer, I decided on moving into Anthonie's penthouse, naturally, he and Marc followed.

The call mute to and back from the hospital was much easier now. Taking Marc to school was less time consuming and he enjoyed sleeping in the extra hour. It was easier to get him up when he was well rested.

" I hope that he wakes up today," I expressed, securing the braid in my hair with a rubber band.

I could feel myself slowly losing hope that he would wake up soon. I needed him to wake up soon for the sake of myself and for the sake of witnessing his granddaughter's birth.

I didn't have the luxury of having my mother here, but I did have him.

Anthonie grips my shoulders supportively as he comes up behind me, pulling me into his body as I sighed.

" He will. Just be patient, Rhea," his voice soothes the flurry of nerves that create chaos throughout my body. I lean further into his protective hold, allowing myself to stop worrying for a moment and just relax.

He takes advantage of my state and walks around to crouch in front of my belly. I peer down at him as a smile forms on his face and he rubs my tummy lovingly.

" Just two more weeks." The tip of his nose rubs against my belly button as he kisses it lovingly.

And it was moments like this that made me feel at peace. Moments with him and Marc that made me feel better when I was feeling down. Moments like this that took my mind away from the thoughts of negativity that seemed to be consuming my mind in the daily.

I just wanted the dark cloud hanging over my head to be gone. I wanted the happiness that I was experiencing two months ago back.

Now it seemed like I was in a never ending cycle of sadness and they were trying their best to help bring me out of it.

Anthonie stood up and pulled down the top of my white dress so that it would stop at my knees.

As time flew by, so did the seasons. It was the end of May now and the weather had been warming up, preparing for summer. I could finally start wearing the cute dresses I ordered before giving birth.

" Ready to go?" Anthonie interlaces our hands and pulls me away from the sink before I could respond.

" I guess I am," I snorted.

When we emerge downstairs, Marc Anthonie is sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, his markers and construction paper surrounding him.

Another card I presumed.

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