chapter 47.

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Rhea Knight

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Rhea Knight

My body hits the mattress with a soft thud.

My thighs are clenched and arousal drips down them while my eyes watch Anthonue as he moves around the room in anticipation.

I could just feel the vibrations of excitement rolling off of Anthonie's body in waves. Since the birth of Calliope, he'd taken what he was given and he hadn't complained one bit. Now that we had the all clear to have sex again, and I was on birth control, I'm sure that he would enact on every twisted fantasy that he had in mind.

And of course I was well aware that some of those fantasies had been conjured up when I used my pregnancy as an excuse to be a smart ass or tease him to the state of blue balls.

Anthonie walks over to the bed with a medium sized box in his hands. He took out a lighter and began walking around the room once more. Curiosity bites the bullet and I sit up on my forearms to find candles all over the room. In the rush of him throwing me on the bed, I didn't think to look at my surroundings.

Candles and rose petals surrounded the room.

Some may find it cliche but I find the gesture quite romantic.

Anthonie was a romantic. He wouldn't admit it but the thought that he put into dates and dinners didn't go unnoticed. The gifts and jewels were a plus but the little things like this is what I appreciated the most.

Being who I am and putting my job before my life, I had never experienced the flowers or the candlelit dinners. It was always sex, sex, sex, whenever I could get it because that was all my lifestyle allowed at the time.

Now I was given the chance to experience it all, and I was sure that Anthonie De' Luca would not disappoint...

Especially since he skipped all of the basics and went right into impregnating me.

He took his time lighting every candle in the room while I sat on the bed, nerves and excitement rushing through my bones.

Nervousness was expected being that my vagina had literally pushed out a tiny human only just a month ago, Anthonie and I had stopped having sex between my six and seven month mark of pregnancy due to his fear of hurting the baby. All in all, it was the built up tension and our sex-life being non exsistant for a few months.

Anthonie had finally lit the last candle. My heart was pounding so hard that I could hear it in my ears. The sight of his muscular and taunt body had me salivating at the mouth. The naturally golden tan skin, the veins in his arms that traveled all the way down to his hands, the perfectly sculpted abs and the deep v-line.

Boy was I a lucky woman.

I knew that I wasn't his first. I knew that I wouldn't be his first time making love. I was aware of all of this and frankly, it didn't bother me.

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