chapter 37.

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Anthonie De'luca

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Anthonie De'luca

" Rhea piccola, svegliati."

-Rhea baby, wake up.

She began to stir in her sleep as my palm rubs circles on her stomach. Her head turns towards the ceiling, her arm flinging over her eyes from the sun casting through our bedroom windows.

"It's too bright," she complains, her nose scrunching up cutely as I chuckle.

Leaning down, I press nipping kisses to her jawline as she lets out a sigh of contentment. " Why can't you just give me kisses all day," she turns on her side, her arm wrapping around my neck as I continue my actions.

" We have a dress rehearsal today," I say against her skin. "But I can give you kisses in the meantime."

A smile forms in her lips as she nods her head.

"I would like that, I would like that very much." Giggling, she indulges in the soft kisses that I pepper along her jaw bone, cheeks, and lips, fulfilling her wishes.

Eventually she turns her head, her lips connecting with mine with quick kisses. " Mmm," she hums, brows scrunching as I pull apart from her. " What's wrong?" I question, running my hand through her mass of waves as she leans back.

" I'm hungry now."

Of course she is.

Throwing my legs over the bed, I get up and slip my feet into some house slippers. The floors were freezing due to the frigid temperatures New York was experiencing lately. Walking around the bed, I grabbed Rhea's robe off of her vanity chair while she managed to sit up.

" I was going to help you," I grit out, smacking her ass as he feigns indifference. " I didn't need any help," she shrugged, opening her arms as I pulled her robe in for her, tying it around her belly.

Grabbing her cheeks, I ducked down catching her line of sight. " Next time you'll let me help," I said sternly, squeezing her cheeks a little rougher. " I don't want you getting hurt in any way."

Rhea rolls her eyes, " Because getting out of bed can injure me."

This lady was so fucking stubborn.

Rhea was stubborn before, but it seemed pregnancy has heightened that one quality along with others.

Her hormone levels skyrocketed.

She was horny twenty-four seven. And me, of all people, couldn't keep up with her. Whenever I came home from work and Marc was at a friend's house, she would rip my clothes off and drag me upstairs.

She even attempted to give me a blow job while I was driving us to lunch one day— I had to shut that down as soon as her mouth wrapped around my dick.

" I don't want to take any chances here, Rhea." Her cheeks squish due to my harsh grip on them, " Do you understand?"

Rhea melted at the hidden plea in my tone and nodded." I understand." Biting on my lower lip, I pull her closer to me until she's standing on her tippy toes with her lips attached to mine.

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