Chapter 14

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My office was swarming with police officers with serious expressions and employees with terrified ones. Word had gotten out about what happened to Susan, and I could hear the concerned whispers as I answered the officer's questions. I could see the nervous glances as I helped clean up the destruction.

They were all wondering if they were next. And I didn't blame them. Wherever I go, destruction follows.

By the time the officers left, baffled that no fingerprints were left, and no one seemed to have forced themselves inside the building, the office took on a deafening silence that threatened to throw me into a guilt spiral. I was the one you called in to get things done, but lifting people's spirits was completely out of my comfort zone. I made people work harder. But making them feel better was like asking a porcupine not to poke you when you asked for a hug. It was just going to be painful for everyone involved.

I sat on the top rung of the ladder, my hair up in a wild bun, paint smudges across my face and clothes as I painted over the threat that had been left across the back wall, trying not to stare at the bright red letters that looked very much like blood, as my employees scuttered around, trying to return order to the chaos. 

Suddenly, a loud voice blared over the speaker system that had been set up throughout the office. "NEW CUPID, TIME FOR A CHANGE!" echoed across the room, starling everyone to life. The closest speaker was right above my head and the sound of the voice was so startling that I nearly fell off the ladder. 

I dropped my paintbrush, but I managed to stay on. A dance beat suddenly filled the office and everyone looked around with confused expressions. "Cupid shuffle, Cupid shuffle..." a voice whispered loudly through the speakers. 

I looked around, trying to pinpoint the culprit. Who on earth is playing music?!?! I saw several people start laughing. Michale who was standing in the corner of the room began to bounce to the beat against his better judgment. He was very particular about his music choices, but he seemed to fall into a rhythm as a guilty expression crossed his face. 

"What are you doing!" I shouted down to Michale. 

He shrugged. "Don't look at me! This is far from my first pick. But I have never refused the call of the cupid shuffle and I refuse to start now!" 

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Yanking it out, I spotted a text from Tate. Show em how it's done. 

My eyes scanned the room until I found Tate sitting at Susan's desk, feet up on the desk like he owned the place. He offered me a bright wave, and then motioned to the clear area in the center of the office floor plan. He shot me a pointed expression as if to say, get your butt down here and cheer up your troops. 

Pass. I texted back. 

Tate tilted his head towards the makeshift dance floor again. Come on. I think you all need to blow off a little steam. 

I looked around the room again. My employees were glancing from me to the dance floor, a conflicted expression on each of their faces. I had wanted to do something to make them feel better, and Tate had just dropped it right into my paint-covered lap. Crap... 

Climbing down the ladder, I walked right up to Tate and glared down at him. "Remind me to kill you later." 

"Noted. And you are so welcome." He leaned back in Susan's chair, fully comfortable there as he stretched his arms above his head. "Now come on. Show us how it's done." He lifted his phone and started the song over again, then he waved me away, making it clear that there was no room for argument.

I walked over to Michale and held out my hand. He raised a skeptical brow at me. "You must be joking."

I laughed. "If I am going to make an idiot of myself, I need backup." 

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