Chapter 44

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"I suppose saying I am going to murder you while I am sitting in front of your bodyguards is a stupid thing to say," I muttered staring out the window at what must be Katherine's house. I took in the vine-covered gate, surrounded by a large wall with vines of flowers with a mix of awe and trepidation. It felt like I was staring up at a mysterious castle... if the castle was surrounded by so much foliage that you couldn't actually see what was on the other side.

Am I heading into a home, or a torture chamber... or both?

"Don't be silly," Laliana said getting out of the car. I followed behind, taking in the smell of sweet flowers that instantly filled the crisp cool air, wafting off the wall.

"If Day or Night here thought you were going to murder me, they never would have let you into the car," Laliana finished shooting me a mischievous smile. 

I raised a brow and then turned back to the two suits that had been sitting with us in the back of the limo. "So... your names are Night and Day? ...Seriously?"

Day shook his head, shooting me a deadpan expression. "Code names. We don't give out real names."

"And did you get stuck with the name Day because you have a bright personality?" I asked. 

Laliana pushed me towards the gate. "Okay... let's get you inside before you cause problems." Then she waved at the two suits. "Thank you for the ride boys."

They nodded in unison before shuffling back into the limo as I was pushed into the opening that appeared in the gate. 

I couldn't see the house I was entering, which left me more hesitant, wishing the chipper Time of Day Suit Twins were coming with us so I could continue to heckle them as a distraction.

Suddenly, I was consumed by plants as I stumbled onto a rock path with thick walls of lush green on either side. I was standing in the most breathtaking garden I had ever seen. But I didn't get a chance to stop and take it in. 

"I'll give you a tour later. Keep going. I know you well enough that making a break for it is not off of the list of possibilities."

"What on earth?" I balked staring around even as Laliana pushed me forward, urging me towards a front door that was painted a bright red. I felt like I was about to be pushed through a portal and back into the real world after stumbling into a fairy glen. Twinkle lights lit the vines that snaked above my head as I moved under a set of arches. The light cast a combination of sparkle and warm sun rays as the final bits of sun settled across the green in a final evening embrace.

"Beautiful right?!? This place feels like magic come to life," Laliana said with reverence, moving to stand next to me and taking my hand in hers, tugging me along. Her smile grew with each step, her body relaxing as we moved. I could see how much she loved the garden as her eyes drank in the world around us.

I nodded, speechless. No words seemed good enough to express how utterly breathtaking Katherine's place was. "I spend a lot of time here."

"I can see why. It's a lush garden in a metal desert," I whispered. The quiet place demanded a quiet response. 

Laliana paused at the front door, hand hovering above the doorbell. "Dang. That's a good line. Can I use it for a book?" 

I shrugged. "Sure." I didn't mind. Laliana wouldn't quote me poorly and throw it up on a website. 

She pulled out her phone and quickly wrote down the line. "So..." Laliana offered me an encouraging smile. "You ready?" She rang the doorbell before I could respond, sending my heart searching for a better place to hide. It felt too exposed even behind flesh, and a ribcage. 

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