Chapter 45

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My veins were fire. My body, one breath away from becoming a battering ram. If Aiden wasn't Tate's cousin... If I wasn't trying to solve problems with words... If I didn't want to fight to be better, then I would have already smacked his stupid grumpy face and knocked him on his butt...

I clenched my fists as I stomped out the door, trying to keep my breathing steady, even as it came out in quick angry puffs, like a lady dragon on the verge of setting a village on fire.

Once we were back in the garden, I turned and glared at Aiden, furious. "What is wrong with you?!?" 

It took a lot of effort to keep my voice from revving up into a full-blown shout. I didn't want the others in the dining room to sit in silence, eavesdropping while eating pizza and taking bets.

"You asked me to come to your mom's house, and now you are being a jerk. Either you want me here, or you don't. Which is it? Because I am done playing games with you."

He crossed his arms, quiet for a long moment, staring back at me with a dark expression. I thought he was just going to stand there in a silent protest but then he began to walk away. "Come on. I have something to show you."

We walked deeper into the garden, the green world growing thicker, cutting out the last slivers of light. I began to wonder if he was just looking for a better location for us to break out into a full-out brawl when he surprised me by stopping in front of a small tree.

"This stupid ugly plant is an eyesore," Aiden said looking over the tree with a look of disgust.

It took me a second to understand why he had brought me here to stare at a tree, but when I did, I couldn't help but smile. It was Uggo. He was planted in the center of a set of grass, in a place of honor. Vines had begun to snake up its base, small buds on the verge of blooming.

I was speechless. In awe of Tate's ability to take the ridiculous, the unlovable, and see its beauty. He thought it was good enough to plant in his aunt's garden... The gesture made my chest ache.

"I know," I replied to Aiden's declaration of the plant's physical features.

"It's a ridiculous plant that's just taking up space!"

"I know." I smiled wider. I couldn't seem to stop staring at Uggo. Stupid plant. Stupidly wonderful plant. It didn't look as hideous as before, or as ridiculous. It looked like it belonged in the garden, even if it still looked a little strange. 

"And he insists on keeping it around and alive!" Aiden continued. "He stops by and waters it every day!"

Aiden stopped, swearing quietly as he rubbed his temples. "He cares about you so much—" his voice cracked with emotion, surprising me. "And it's hard to watch him deal with unrequited love."

"Unrequited?" I repeated, looking up at Aiden.

"Yes." Storms filled his eyes, angry and wild as he took a step towards me. "You don't give off the impression of someone who cares, and it's hard to watch. So yes, I want to find who hurt Iz, and I need your help to do that, but I don't want to watch Tate get hurt."

"I don't want him to get hurt either!" I took a step forward, hands rolled into fists, no longer listening to the doubts that tried to convince me that it was inevitable. That I would continue to hurt Tate until I let him go forever. I was done letting doubts decide what I deserved. It was my decision, not the ones whispered to me in the dark when my brain was too tired to decide what was real and what was fear brought to life like a taunting chant. 

"And just because I'm hard to read, or not very vocal about my feelings, doesn't mean I don't care!" I offered him a pointed look. "You should know. I'm pretty sure you struggle with the same concept."

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