Chapter 27

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I wasn't afraid of most things society wanted me to be afraid of. I could talk in front of groups, I could wear heels that would terrify less coordinated humans, I could turn rude comments back on a person so quick that it left them more scarred than they ever could scar me. And I most definitely wasn't afraid of cameras... If someone wanted to give me free publicity, that was fine by me. I wasn't going to let some garbage neon pink articles depict how I spent my day.

But as several cameras flashed again, I could see that it deeply bothered my sunshine boy. My? Where did that thought come from?  I tucked away that thought to process later and turned to look up at Tate, who was attempting not to glare at the bushes where the flashing resided. 

"Hey," I murmured reaching out and placing my thumb against his brow and gently rubbing at the small 'v' shape that had formed in the middle of his furrowed brow.  "Don't do that."

"What?" Tate asked.

"Don't give someone else the power to ruin your day like that. Especially someone who isn't worth it." 

Tate smiled. "Stealing my lines are ya?"

"Only the good ones. You can keep douche nugget." 

He sighed, letting out a tired laugh. "Fair. Not my best work." He chanced a glance back at the Paparazzi. 

"Ignore the idiots," I replied sliding off the bike. "They don't seem like they are going to chase us. I think they can tell I'd clobber with my boots if they tried."

"Not gonna lie, I'd pay to see that," he replied. "But I hate how I am starting to understand why my cousin barely makes an appearance in public anymore. You start to feel like a spectacle in a zoo." Tate sighed, climbing off the bike. 

I reached for his hand and began to tug him towards the Griffith Observatory, wanting his smile back. "Why don't you give me a tour. I've never been here before." 

At that, Tate's eyes lit up. "Oh, you're in for a treat! This place is amazing!" And before I knew what was happening, Tate had taken the lead, pulling me along behind him with a new spring in his step.


"Just stare into that hole and you'll be looking right at the sun without burning your eyeballs." 

I looked at the small gadget doubtfully. "Um... no." 

Tate nudged me closer to the mysterious gadget, eyes bright with excitement. The Griffith Observatory was mostly empty. Allowing us to take our time as Tate walked me through every room, stopping at every plaque, machine, or instrument and falling into a long explanation of what each item was, and every possible fact about it. 

I had to stop myself from smiling several times at what an utter dork he was. A complete star nerd— astrology nerd? Complete nerd of a guy who knew WAY more about stars than anyone I had ever met. And his excitement only added to the adorkability that he naturally exuded. 

When he was like this, I was a goner. And I had not expected him to be such an utter star nerd. So I found myself utterly mystified by his knowledge and how few jokes were involved in his explanations. 

"Oh come on! You can trust me. Why would I lie?" Tate asked as we stood in front of a small machine. He nudged me a step closer, hands on my shoulders.

I turned my head to glare at him. "Because you'd find it funny for me to burn my eyeballs?"

Tate placed his head on my shoulder, close to my face, breath tickling my ear. "But you have such beautiful eyeballs. That would be an utter crime." 

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