Leaf Flower (Tanjiro x Younger!Sibling Reader)

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Author's Note- This chapter is gender neutral, and it's my first one back, so please tell me what I could and need to work on! Please enjoy

(First Person P.O.V)

I was outside gathering leaves from trees, wincing as the freezing snow bit at my fingertips. I smiled satisfactory as I looked down at my pile of leaves, before scooping them up and walking home, placing them outside on the ground, before searching for a good, thin stick. I looked around and wandered further away from the house, finally spotting a stick on the ground.

I knelt to pick it up, when I suddenly felt this feeling of being watched. I spun my head around and looked behind me, seeing nothing, but when I looked in front of me, I saw two, bright red eyes staring at me from the dark shadows of the heavily wooded forest.

I sucked in a gasp of air, and snatched up the stick, before running back home, occasionally glancing behind me to see if whatever it was had followed. They didn't, but I was still trembling when I got back, and Mother looked at me concerned.

"Oh, (y/n), you're shaking so much! Are you alright dear?", I looked up at her and swallowed nervously, before answering,

"Mother, I saw something in the forest! They had bright red eyes!", I pointed behind me and Mother followed my finger's direction, but looked down at me smiling and said,

"My little one, there's nothing there. You must have seen a snake or a wolf. Though if you saw a wolf, you really need to be careful.", I bit my lip and nodded, before walking away towards my leaves and stick.

I sat down on the engawa, and began sticking the leaves onto the stick, turning them certain ways, until finally I was satisfied with the results.

Just as I finished, Tanjiro was leaving with the basket to take coal into town, so I jumped up and ran towards the direction he had left through, spotting him up the trail.

"Big brother! Wait for me! I have something for you!", Tanjiro stopped walking and looked at me smiling.

"Oh, what is it (y/n)?", I gave him the leaf flower and he smiled down at me, placing the hand that wasn't holding my gift onto my head in a gentle pat.

"It's beautiful (y/n)! Thank you for it.", I smiled from the praise and he said,

"Alright now, go back home ok? I'll bring you some sweets, yeah?", I nodded vigorously at this and he chuckled a bit, before smiling and gently nudging me home.

I waved to him before running back home, and helping Mother with dinner. After we had eaten, I waited outside for Tanjiro, and looked up at the moon that illuminated the ground outside. I heard what sounded like leaves crunching on the side of the house, so I gazed in that direction fearfully, as foot steps came closer.

I finally jumped up and ran inside, slamming the shoji shut, while surprised exclamations sounded behind me. I turned to my family who gazed at me startled, and said,

"I heard someone outside, and I know it's not Tanjiro, because he would call for us.", my Mother stared at the shoji in fear and pulled me towards her, as we all stared.

After a minute, there was a loud sound of ripping, as a long finger nailed hand clawed through it, shredding it easily.

My family and I screamed, and I looked to Nezuko, who had Rokuta nestled in her arms, was now holding him close to her.

Takeo was holding onto little Shigeru and Hanako, while Mother held the three of them.

I found myself standing in front of them, so I looked around in a frenzied way, spotting the cooking knife on the wooden shelf.

I rushed to it and clasped my hand around it, before running back and standing in front of them, trembling.

"(Y/n)! No, come here!", I ignored my Mother's pleading cries and focused on the figure that ripped the rest of the shoji to shreds.

It was a man dressed in a suit, his hair tied in a low bun that rested on the nape of his neck. He had ruby red eyes that glared down at us, and I felt anger. I felt anger at myself for being scared, and I felt angered because this stranger was frightening my family.

I heard the two little one's cries as they burrowed into Takeo's sides, and little Rokuta's wails as Nezuko clutched onto him for dear life.

I heard my mother's quiet sobs as she held my three siblings for dear life.

Finally, I glared back at the man, and he seemed to be amused, for he changed his look of disdain to a small smirk, and this was the last straw.

I ran at him, the knife held next to my side, poised for strike, when he disappeared.

Once I realized where he had gone, it was too late.

I heard screams behind me, and I turned around in horror, as I saw him murdering them, with no hesitation.

Then I realized.

This was no man.

This was a monster.

A demon.

I felt my breath begin to quiver, as I myself collapsed to the floor, shaking at the sight of so much blood. I was on the engawa, and cried out as it tossed Takeo towards me, his body landing a few inches from me, lifeless eyes gazing up at me.

Tears began streaming down my face, as I met eyes with the demon, and he grinned down at me, walking towards me, before kneeling down and lifting my face up to him.

"Well, I suppose you know what I am, don't you? Yes, I'm a demon. Demons kill humans, you know this. But, I'll make you an offer. Come with me, let me transform you, and I'll let you live. I'll let your siblings that are alive live.", I stared at his hand that he offered me, then at my family, and guilt and fear overtook me, as I grasped it's hand, and allowed it to pull me up, leading me away from my home.

(Time skip)

(Third Person P.O.V)

Tanjiro left the next morning towards home, when he caught the scent of blood. His eyes widened and he ran as fast as he could, finally arriving. He stared in fear, in grief, in guilt, at the scene in front of him.

It was a mess of blood, and his family's lifeless gazed would forever haunt him. He stepped forward, and could feel tears welling in his eyes, when he noticed that (y/n) was gone, and he could no longer smell them around the house.

He was confused, but felt relief when he heard Nezuko breathing.

He picked her up and ran as fast as he could towards town, hoping to save at least one of his sibling's lives, completely unaware of the man standing with a hand on the shoulder of his missing sibling, their gaze on the leaf flower left behind in the snow.

Author's Note- Hey, it's been a while, and I know this chapter isn't exactly good, but I wrote it at 2am, so my apologies. Anyways, this is the first chapter back, and I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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