Obanai Iguro X Sick!Little sister!Reader

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Hey guys! This chapter was requested by arine_hw! Enjoy!

Reader P.O.V

I paced around the room, my eyes wandering as I waited for Shinobu to give me my test results. I heard the door click, then open, and saw Shinobu walk in with a grim expression visible.

"What is it Shinobu-san? Am I going to be ok?", I asked, staring into her amethyst colored eyes.

She stared for a moment, before tears welled up in her eyes, and she shook her head. I felt my heart drop, and I felt sick, so I rushed to a trash bin and threw up my breakfast. I stood up and wiped my mouth, then turned to face her, tears stinging the backs of my eyes, and nodded, before slowly smiling slightly.

"Thank you for trying to help me, Shinobu-san. I am very grateful. I must be heading home now.", I said, before walking out.

As soon as I was outside, I ran into the forest near by, and sat by a pond, beginning to cry. I was so busy crying, that I didn't hear or see Mitsuri sit next to me.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong? Why are you crying?", she asked in a soft tone, so I told her everything.

She sat there, then wrapped her arms around me in a hug, being careful so that she doesn't hurt me. I cried into her shoulder, her doing the same on mine, as she gently stroked my hair. She walked me back home, but before we went inside, I turned to her.

"Please don't tell nii-san. Please. I don't want to worry him.",I begged her, clasping my hands together, and staring at her.

She bit her lip, then nodded, before opening the door, and walking her inside.

"(Y/N)? Is that you? Are you home?", I heard nii-san call, before he rounded the corner and stopped.

"Oh. Hello Mitsuri. Do you want to stay for dinner?", he asked, a blush spreading across his face behind his bandages, his eyes avoiding her gaze.

She smiled and nodded, before walking with him to help cook. I stood there, and bit my lip to keep from crying.

'I can't tell him', I told myself in my head.

(Time skip)

During dinner, I began to feel nauseous.

"Nii-san? May I be excused?",I asked, trying to smile.

He looked concerned, but nodded, continuing to talk with Mitsuri. I walked to the bathroom, and threw up in the bin. My eyes widened when I saw I threw up blood, and I immediately cleaned it, not wanting Obanai-nii San to see.

After I was done, I stepped out of the small room, and sighed in relief, before walking into my room, and changing into my night clothes.

I walked out again and told Obanai and Mitsuri goodnight, then went to bed. The next morning, Obanai and Mitsuri went on patrol together, and Shinobu-san came to the house, to check up on me.

"How are you feeling?", she asked, putting a hand to my forehead.

"I feel nauseous, and cold. Even when I'm under my blankets, I'm freezing cold. And it's so hard to breathe.", I whispered.

"Shinobu-san. Can you do something for me? Please don't cry. Shinobu-san, please return to the Butterfly Estate. I'll be ok. Don't worry.", I said, smiling as tears gathered in my eyes, and rolled down my cheeks.

She stayed for a few moments, before she stood up, and nodded, then left. I breathed out, which hurt like hell, and closed my eyes.

'Nii-san. Please take your time.I'll see you on the other side', I said, my eyes closing, as my breathing ceased.

(Time skip)

Obanai P.O.V

I wiped my Nichirin Blade and sheathed it, before turning to Mitsuri who was smiling.

"Mitsuri,let's go home. I'm sure (Y/N) is worried.", I said, walking home.

She nodded, and followed behind me, chatting happily, with me answering occasionally. We finally got home, and I went inside, taking my sandals off.

"(Y/N)? We're home!", I called out.

I walked to her room, and knocked, before opening the door. My eyes widened, and I dropped my sheathed blade, and rushed to her side.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up! Please! Please, don't leave me!", I cried, holding her close to me.

Mitsuri came in and covered her mouth with her hands, before she fell to her knees, sobbing. I moved (Y/N)'s hair from out of her face, and gently touched her cheek, tears fell from my eyes and onto her cheeks.

"Please... Don't leave me.... I was supposed to be the one to die.. Not you.", I whispered, sobbing silently, my bandages coming undone from around my face.

'Why'd you have to go so soon?'

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