Chapter 1

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Okay take a deep breath, you can do this Beth. It won't be as hard as you think it will be, just breath. I mean what can be worse he could be drop dead hot, and you wouldn't care. Okay Beth come on put your finger to the door bell come on you can do it. Ding dong, ran the door to my cousins house. Shit! I am so not ready for this, she hasn't come yet I have time to run right? Wrongo!

"Hey Beth, come on in!" said my cousins mom Amber as she opened the door to her large house and helped me carry in all my stuff. "Kyle is outside in the back yard with a few of his friends if you'd like to go see him."

We walked into her house down the small little hall way that lead to the large living room. All I could see was a small little box that was pushed up against the wall that had dog toys in it, one little love seat that would only fit to people on it, a giant flat screen TV that had massive speakers stand on each side of it, a small fire place an a book case on one side of it. "Oh I'm sorry I'm in the middle of getting new furniture, the new stuff with be here Wednesday." Amber said as she watched me scan the room.

"Thank you again for taking me on in so short of notice." I said as I looked at her with a smile on my face.

"Your welcome sweetie, I really don't mind." She said as she returned the smile. We were standing there in silent's for a few minutes then she clapped her hands "Well your room will be Kyle's room since it's the biggest, but we haven't moved any of Kyle's stuff out of there yet because he is in total denial that you are coming to live with us."

I smiled as I remember back to the time that I last saw Kyle. We are both the same age, we were 14 years old at our cousins skating birthday party. We were both skating an we had fallen on top of each other a couple of times, we both had really back acne and we didn't care nor did out family. We are both 16 now an our birthdays are both coming up soon. We were born a week apart, I've grown into my boobs and all my acne has gone away and I've turned into a major chaser for the boys, as my dad would say.

"Well you can go into the room if you would like it's up the stairs and he very last door, ill go finish making lunch." I nodded my head and went up the stairs and into the room. I walked over to his bed and set down. Okay ew there is a giant pile of dirty clothes right there. Looks like someone has had a little fun, there is a bra in the pile, I so didn't need to see that ew! That means he's a man whore right? I can't believe I am about to have this room! I hope all this stuff leaves along with him! I kept looking around tell my phone went off; it was a text from my dad. I ignored it and went back to looking at all the stuff he had in his room.

Wow! He has a lot of medals, and what is that okay that is just grows he has a playboy picture hidden behind some of his weapons, how great is that? "Okay mom! Yes ill give it to him in a minute! Can I change please?" Kyle said as he opened the door to his room, soon he closed it taking off his shirt and throwing it to the floor right next to him, and then his pants and kicked them to the side, he started to pull of his boxers.

"Holy shit Kyle don't do that!" I yelled as I covered my eyes with the cover that was on his bed.

"Holy shit! Who are you?" he yelled as he pulled up his boxers.

I slightly laughed but it was muffled by the blanket that was covering my face, hi cheeks flushed a light pink, I set there and crossed my legs. I think I am starting to like it here my cousin after all is hot! "Hello!" he said snapping his fingers in front of my face, oh my goodness he got closer to my face and is just inches from mine oh I want him to kiss me so bad. Is that a bad thing to say? Oh come on Beth snap out of it!

"I happen to be your cousin that will be living here; nice to meet you again I am Bethany Way. But everyone knows me by Bethany Swan." I said as I held out my hand for him to shack and all he did was stare at me like I was some stupid idiot! After a few minutes of us being quite he shut his mouth and looked me up and down, "Would you mind leaving my room? I would like to change and you are not staying in the room! He said in a low mono tone then it turned into a yell right at the end. I flinched a little when he got closer to my face, what was I afraid of? I could so take him!

"Fine, fine." I said as I put my hands up in defeat and walked out of the room down the stairs and into the kitchen where all of his friends where sitting. They were all sitting at the table and when thy saw me walk in the all looked up from there plates and stared at me as I walked to the bar and seat in one of the swivel chairs. I could feel there eyes on me but I didn't dare turn around, I could here their whisper well at least a few.


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