Chapter 53

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--Four days later--

I was tired of being in the hospital, I had been sitting in this waiting death trap of a room for those four days. I don't even know if it's night or day anymore, and I don't care either. My aunt and uncle came and got Kyle, it just wasn't the place for him to be.

He is a child who likes to play around. It was two days till the boys' turned one, and in my heart I knew Rico was going to make it. No matter how far people pushed me, I was going to push back ten times as hard. My phone was now dead and I didn't feel like charging it because I knew I had thousands of missed calls from Kyle, Kimmy, Bryan, Xavier, and Cam.

I walked out of the room and down the hall, I wondered around for a while tell I found a little chaple. It was on the first floor, a few doors down from the gift store. I looked at it and it reminded me of my grandmother, the only person in our family that went to curch.

I shrugged my shouldres and walked on in, as I walked in there was a couple getting married. You could tell that they were most likely a nurse and doctor that had been madly in love. When I looked to the left there was a young girl who was crying in a corner, and a little ways infront of me was a old woman that was also crying her eyes out.

I set there and watched as the happy couple said their vows, after a while I got tired of listening to the happy couple and soon they were tuned out. I looked around the row that I was sitting in and picked up the only little black book that was sitting there.

It hadn't been touched in years, you could see the dust that it was covered in, I slowly picked it up and filpped throw it. I didn't flip through it long when the happy couple ran by me and the doors slammed open. I didn't look around anymore after that, I just dropped to my knees, my hands were folded, and my eyes were closed.

"Dear god, if you are real. Please help me, I pray to you to take the pain and hurt away from my son. He isn't even old enough, please I need him. He is my life, along with his brother. Both of my boys are my life, just please heal him." I said in a low voice, I stood up set the bible back down where it was, grabbed a tissue, and walked out of the chaple.

I walked back to the room that Rico was in, there was nurse standing over him with a smile on her face. "Miss. Swan may I have a word with you?"

I nodded my head and we both walked out of the room and into the hall way. "Miss. Swan, your son he is doing alot better. The doctor said that he should be able to go home tomorrow."

"What?" I asked as I looked at her, I was hodling onto the railing that was next to me. That was the only thing that was keeping me from falling flat on my face.

"When you were gone, we took Rico to get another scan. We were in there for forever, the doctor looked over his ex-rays and he couldn't see anthing left. He is clean, everything we have been doing this week has helped so much that it is completely gone." spoke the nurse and she looked at me, she could tell that I was about to pass out.

"Oh my god! thank you!" I screamed as I looked up and then ran into the room with Rico. His small eyes were finally open, and those green eyes were what made a smile come across my face. My smile went away when I looked at him agian, those eyes they weren't Kyle's.

My hand flew to my mouth and I fell into the chair next to the bed. This can not be happening to me right now. I charged my phone and as soon as it was charged I called the one and only guy that I thought was their father. "Kyle you need to come up here."

With no questions he hung up and with in twenty minutes later he was in the room. "What is it Bethany?"

"I don't think you are the father of the boys'" I said in a low voice.

"What!?" He said as he looked at me. "Why do you say that?"

"Rico's eyes are not your eyes." I said as I looked at him. Kyle let go of me and walked over to Rico who was looking at himwith confused eyes.

"They look like my eyes." He said as he turned to me.

"I want I want to get it tested." I said as I looked at him. After that he left the room and with in an hour he was back with Kyle.

"Lets go get it done." He said as he looked at me while he tryed to bounce a very unhappy little Kyle in his arms.

"I can't Kyle, Rico is in the hospital and wont be out tell tomorrow." I said as I looked at him and took Kyle from him who quickly calmed down. "All he needed was his mother."

"Why is he in here in away?"

"No reason." I spoke as I set down with Kyle in my arms.

"Bethany, you can't keep this to yourself forever." Kyle said as he looked at me.

"I'll keep it tell I die." I said as I gave him Kyle agian. "Please leave."

Without another word he left and I was sitting there looking at the little boy who was scared. He wasn't the only one, I was to. If this test says that Kyle isn't the father of my two boys then I will just die. The only other person their father could be would be.

I stopped the name from coming into my head and stayed the night for the last night. I was glad he was getting out. I woke up the morning to find one of the nurses already taking all his stuff off of him. I changed him into his clothes and checked him out. I drove home, after I was home Kyle, Bug, Rico, and I got into Kyle's car and drove to get the test done.

The doctor swabbed Kyle, Bug, and Rico's mouth, with in a few minutes he left. We were left in that room for two hours, when you are in a room for two hours with two little boys who didn't sleep well the night before, you go mad. when the doctor came back in both Bug and Rico were asleep. "Mrs. and Mr. Swan, we have some very important news to tell you."

"What is it?" I said as I moved to the edge of my seat.

"Kyle, you........................."

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