Chapter 24

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Soon after we both sat and played with the boys till the house phone rang, I looked at him and then stood up and walked to the call counter top next to the fridge where the phone was placed.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hello Mrs. Mercedes?” said the voice on the other end of the line.

“this is she.” I spoke as I walked to the door way to watch Kyle play with the boys.

“I just wanted to inform you that your son Kyle, skipped school today.” Said the voice, my face soon turned for happy to mad. He knew that I didn’t like him missing school even if it was to take care of me, I was the one who was going to be the stay at home parent and he was the one who was going to live his dream even if it killed me.

“Thank you, I will speak to my son.” I said as I glared at him.

“Mrs. Mercedes, can I ask you something?”


“what happen to miss.Way?”

“Something in the family came up and as soon as she retruns she will go back to school.” I said into the phone as tears rolled down my face, I didn’t even let the lady on the other end of the phone say anything I hung up the phone as soon as the tears started to flow.

Soon i finally got all tears to stop, and walked back into the living room with a murderus look on my face and I knew Kyle could tell that I was about to kill him, “Something wrong sweetie?”

“oh well let me see.” I said as I looked at him and pretended to think, “the school called just a few minutes ago, kyle you skipped school!!!”

“but it was for something good.” He said in a sheepish voice.

“I told you once I told you a hundred times that I am the stay at home parent no matter how much it killed me!” I screamed at him. “I will be just fine taking care of my children.”

“Bethany, you are carrying way to much of a burden.” Kyle said as he stood up from the floor where the boys were now fighting over a toy. “They are not just your children, my DNA happens to be in them too.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have come back here, no matter how much I wanted you to know!” I yelled as I ran up to the top of the steps.

“Bethany!” Kyle yelled after me, he couldn’t run after me due to the boys.

I ran up into my room where I didn’t even care anymore tears were just rolling down my face at this time I didn’t care, I leaned aginst the door and soon I fell to the floor I couldn’t hold myself up anymore my leg had given out on me. After I was on the floor my phone began to buzz, when I looked at the caller ID it was my dad, I wipped back all the tears I could and soon answered the phone, “Hello?”

“Bethany, honey what is wrong?” my dads voice asked trough the phone.

I took a deep breath before I answered him, “Nothing daddy.”

“are you sure sweet pea?” I hated it when he called me that, but I didn’t say a word.

“Yes daddy.” I said as I looked to the floor where I found my puppy. “daddy can I move?”

“where would you go?” he asked.

“into a appartment here in town, I just want to live here with Kyle anymore.” I said in such a rush I gave myself a headace.

“okay sweetie, find yourself and appartment and I will send you all the money you need.”

“daddy?” I asked scared to finally tell him when I had been hiding from him.


“I need to tell you something.” I said as I took a deep breath. “I got pregnant.”

There was no answer on the other end of the line, I am pretty sure I heard his heart break and so did mine. He was hurt and I was hurt because I knew he was going to give me hell when he found out that Kyle was the father. “Who is tha father?”

“Kyle.” I said slowly but in a low voice.

“KYLE!” He all but screamed into the phone.

“Yes daddy.”

“Well now I can see why you want to move away.”

“dad I have already given birth.” After I said that the door bell rang and I didn’t move I didn’t even move when there was a knock on my door. “you need to come see them.”

“I cant.” He said in a low voice like he was scared to see what my children had come to look like.

“Why not dad?”

“because I am getting married.”

“so your going to send me money but then your going ignore the fact that you have two beautiful grandsons!” I screamed into the phone.

“Votre père un tel trou du cul, je ne veux jamais voir, ce sont vous parler à nouveau! (Your such an ass hole dad, i never want to see are speak to you agian!)" I said as I started yelling at him in french, I knew he knew what I was saying because he had to learn french too. "Votre probablement se marier à quelque salope que vous avez trouvé sur le bord de la route, qui nest pas encore assez vieux pour être hors de la maison!( Your probably marrying some slut that you found on the side of the road, who isnt even old enough to be out of the house !)"

"Bethany, don't yell at me." he said in a low voice.

I stopped speaking french and calmed myself down so I was able to talk to my father in plain english. "It's your fault, you know I get pissed of easy."

"I know, now find yourself an apparentment where you and the boys can live and after i get married and come back from my  honeymoon I will come get you." he said as i heard a female voice that was most likely my fathers new bride.

"Fine." I said and i hung up the phone. After I hung up the phone i pulled a small bag of chesse its out of the baby bag that was on the floor next to me, after i thought it over and looked at few two bedroom apparenments I found one and bought it quickly. 

I started to pack mine and the boys things, when I was almost done I heard a knock on the door. The person didn't even wait for me to answer they just came in. "What are you doing!"

"Kyle I am moving out with the boys." I said in a low voice as I grabbed all the bags that I could hold in my hands and walked down the stairs with the bag in my ahand and right to my car.

"You can't leave." He said as he stopped me at the front door.

I pulled my arm away from where he had held onto me, "I can if I want to."


"There is no butt Kyle, it's finally me and the boys are moving out!" I yelled as I went back up the stairs to gabe the boxes, all I needed to do was pack the boys bed away but I wouldnt do that tell I acctually got the appertment. I grabbed the boys from the floor and walked up to our room, i lock all the doors and windows just in case Kyle tryed to come in in the middle of the night. After I rocked the boys to sleep I laid them in there cribs.

I was restless, I was mad at my dad, i was mad at Kyle, I was scared of Chase, and I was sad that the school didn't even know that they were talking to there own student.

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