Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to you for becoming my 2nd fan thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

**Chapter 16**


Camellia helped me carry the boys into the house. I looked around to see if there was any sign of Chase or Kyle, I didn't see them but I took it as they are both upstairs because the music that they were listen to is blaring. I looked to Camelia and she gave me a nod and left. I left the two boys down stairs and walked up the stairs, slowly I walked down the hall to his room and opened it Chase was passed out on the floor and Kyle was passed out on his bed.

I shook my head as I looked around the room, there were beer cans all over the place and I think I saw a bra. I walked over to Kyle making sure not to wake up Chase, I poked him a couple time and he never moved so I shook him.

"Hmm What?" Kyle asked sleepily as he looked at me. I don't think he knows its me.



"Come here I need to talk to you."

"Okay." He said as he got up out of his bed and followed me to the hall way. He rubbed his eyes and then looked at me, his mouth fell open as he relized it was me.

"Beth!" He yelled as he picked me up in a hug.

"Yeah hi Kyle." I said as i patted his back.

"Are you back to stay?"

"Yes, I have something to..." But my train of thought got broken when we were interupted by a scream.

"Oh my god!" Yelled a voice.

"Oh shit I forgot she was coming over."

"Who your girl toy?" I said as I pulled away from his hug and pushed away to go downstairs.

"No... OKay yes."

"I thought you had changed. I guess I was wrong, it's not like it would matter."

"Beth, what are you talking about?"

"I didn't lose the baby like I told you." I said as I lowered my head and held onto the railing of the stairs.

"What?" He said looking at me in shock.

"I had the baby, in fact I had twins."

"Why didn't you tell me? When did you have them?"

"Because I didn't want you to be all freaked out. I had them yesturday at noon."

"Can I see them?"

"Yeah they are down stairs, but I havent named them yet."

"Why not?"

"Because I didnt know what to name them."

He nodded his head and we both walked down the stairs to find Becca there in front of the boys with a shocked face. She turned to look at Kyle and then at me, sher eyes flickered between us for a few minutes and then see looked back at the two boy who were still asleep.

She opened her arm and ran to Kyle and hugged him. "They are so ugly!"

"Well thank you for talking about my sons like that." I spoke in a soft whisper where I knew she heard it, because she turne her head to glare at me.

A smirk came across my face as she looked at me and I stuck my tounge out at her like I was five and her parent had gotten on to her for something that she had done to me that was bad while we were playing in the sand box. But then she turned back to Kyle's chest.

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