Chapter 25

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I woke up  to the crying sound of my two boys, I sat up in my bed not wanting to get up but I knew I needed to. I knew  Kyle would probably be down stairs so I picked up both of the boys and walked down the stairs with the intention of not saying a word to him. I walked into the kitchen and just like I thought Kyle was there siting in the swivel chair at the bar, I could feel his eye on me I didn't dare to turn around. I put the boys in their high chairs, then I walked quietly and quickyl around the kitchen fixing the boys something to eat. After I had fixed them something to eat I sat down amd feed them while I waited for Kyle's eyes to get off my back along with him to leave.

"Beth, we need to talk.' Kyle said as he finally broke the deep silents that was between him and me.

"There is nothing to talk about Kyle." I said as I stood up to put the boys bowls in the sink.

"Yes there is." He said as he stood up and walked over next to me.

"No, Kyle." I said as I looked at him. "I have nothing to say to you, me and the boys will be gone when you come back home."

"I am not leaving." He spoke in a low voice knowing that I would be going off on him in a few minutes.

"Kyle you are going to school!" I yelled as I grabbed the knife that was behind me in my hand/

"No I have a baby mama that I have to take care of." He said as he leaned closer to me.

"Kyle don't you dare piss me off!" I yelled as he pushed me up aginst the counter.

Kyle didn't say a word as he tryed to remembered the last time I almost killed him with a knife the week after I moved in with him. I must say that was all his fault, if he would have just stopped pushing me to play their one hour in heaven I wouldnt have to cut his friend and I wouldnt

have had to chase him around the house for two hours after all his friends. "Kyle please step away from me."

He let go of me and walked over to the other side, I put the knife back down on the counter. Maybe I shouldnt take them with me, I mean I've almost tried to kill the Kyle twice and if my anger were to go out on one of the boys I might end up like my mother. Tears filled my eyes when it finally came to me that no matter how much I hated my mother for doing what she did to our family that I was her child.

I was her child because I had that anger that my mom would alway take out on my dad and when she did that he always had a cut of some sort. As a child I always thought that the noise down stairs that I had to protect my brother from wasw mom and dad having fun you know, but as I got older and I learned that mom went into drug and that she had anger problems I relized that they were having fun mom was hurting dad.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked over at Kyle who was just watching me, "You can keep the boys."

"What if I don't want them?" He asked looking at me with a little bit of evil intention in his eyes.

"Trust me, you want them." I said with a smile as I patted Kyle on his shoulder and walked over to the boys giving them each a kiss on their forehead as

I left.

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