12: Better Run

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After hugging Rose, we decided it was time to join the family, before I could walk out she suggested I should changing into my training shirt, which I did. After changing we headed downstairs.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask as I sat in the arm rest in front of Edward, while Rosalie joined Emmett.

"Today we will study your powers, and figure out what else you can do" Carlisle spoke. "Jasper filled me in on yesterday's events we'll take a different approach today"

"Okay! Let's get this party started!" Emmett clapped and got up, the rest soon followed.

Oh I'm not ready.

"Yes you are" A deep voice whispered into my ear. 

I looked up to find that Edward had already gotten up and stood in front of me, with his hand out for me to take.

Thank you.

I smiled, took his hand and he returned the smile back. Right then and there I decided that I loved this family with every ounce of my heart, they barley knew me and they were doing everything in their power to be there for me and help me.

We all walked downstairs and out the back door. I was still holding Edward's hand but not in a weird way, he was holding mine in a brotherly manner which made my heart warm, he's like the brother I never had. As we stepped outside we let go of each other.

"We'll start of simple, show us what you learned yesterday" Carlisle broke the silence.

"Yeah I can do that" I quickly shook my body, getting all the nervousness out of my system, I stood in the middle of the circle they made and closed my eyes.

Just as yesterday, I imagined my wings expanding out of my body, the color I saw yesterday, the length, how they sparkled in the sunlight. I opened my eyes when I heard buzzing.

"Incredible" Carlisle stared in awe.

"They are so beautiful" Alice added.

"Now she's really Tinker Bell" I obviously rolled my eyes at that comment while everyone else laughs at Emmetts joke.

I cleared my mind, and I began batting my wings at a faster rate and just like that, I was above the ground and flying.

"Great, you can come down now" I did as Carlisle instructed and tried landing slowing to the ground which worked.

"Okay what now?" Edward asks.

"We know she can control the weather" Esme began.

"But we need to know what else can she do, how far do her powers expand" Jasper finished.

"And how do we do that?" Rose asks.

"If she can control the weather, we could naturally assume she can control all the elements" Carlisle explained.

"Okay, starting with what?" I ask.

"Water" I rose my eyebrows at Carlisle, waiting for him to elaborate. "There's water in this grass right here" he pointed to the grass bellow our feet. "All you have to do it pull it out"

"Pull it out?" I hesitated.

"Yeah, imagine yourself doing it, just like you did with your wings, with the clouds, and the rain"

"Yeah, okay, I got it" I shook and closed my eyes.

I took a deep breath, I extended my hands and fingers facing the sky, then turned them over towards the earth. I got a tingling sensation from the tips of my fingers, like it was they were reaching for something. I tried to shake the feeling and concentrate.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now