65: Romantic

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Quil grabbed my hand and leads me to the edge. I looked down and found the beautiful view and the romantic set up.

"Aww, it's so cute" I squeal.

"I know you like corny sweet things like these" He smiles and we start going down.

"Wait let me take off my shoes and socks" I get excited to get me feet on the cold sand.

"I got it" He kneels down and takes off my shoes with my socks, then offers me his other hand to walk down.

"Thank you" I smile.

The rest of the way down we stayed silent until we got to the blankets. There was a huge green blanket on the sand, another fluffy blanket folded in the corner, he set a couple pillows around and the basket was in the middle.

"Quil this is so sweet" I sit and he sits next to me.

"I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time"

"What took you so long?" I ask as he starts taking food out of the basket.

"The right moment I guess, between you visiting once or twice a year, other people in the way and the fact that I didn't want to ruin our friendship I'm pretty sure you didn't want that either"

"I do not" I smile and grab a strawberry and eat it.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that" He grabs a grape.

"I had fun this summer" I look forward grabbing another strawberry.

"Yeah, we spent a lot of time together"

"I think my favorite thing was the bonfires after a nice beach day" I smile.

"I think those were my favorite nights too" He chuckles. "I think this summer was different than other summers"

"How so?" I tilt my head at him, waiting for a response.

"I think spending time together and treating each other like more than friends, was ground breaking for towards our progress"

"Our progress?"

"Yeah you know, for our upcoming relationship" He smirks.

"Damn, relationship, where did you get all this confidence from?" I smirk.

"I'm telling you, this summer was different than other summers, putting our friendship aside made me become more confident in approaching you"

"I guess you're right, I'm glad this is happening now though"

"you don't think it should've happened sooner?"

"Well no... only because now we are more prepared, we've thought about for so long that know we know for sure that what we feel is real... or at least what I feel"

"I feel the same way" He smiles but then it fades away. "I honestly thought that you'd end up with Paul by the end of summer" He looks at the clashing waves.

"If you want me to be honest, I thought so too, but Paul and I are different and he's not the guy I want, I've always had a crush on you" I laugh. "Even when I was back in Arizona" I look away when I feel my cheeks head up.

"I have a proposal... let's take things slow, let's go on dates"

"Sneak around with each other, have fun, go on adventures" I add a few more things we could do together.

"Sneaking around huh?" He smirks and gets closer to me.

"I mean why not?" I smile.

He stayed silent and keeps getting closer until his body is almost on mine, with his hand he grabs my chin and turns my face so I fully face him. His face was closer than I expected, I could feel his lips almost touching mine. That's when he planted his lips on mine, I wrapped my hand around this neck and pulled him further into me. It was only for a little but I enjoyed every second of it, as we parted a small laugh escaped my mouth.

"Do you remember that first party at Pauls house?"

"How can I forget" He laughs. "Shakira Shakira" we both laugh.

"That night when I kissed you.. that was my first kiss"

"Yo- you never kissed anyone else before?"

"No, like I said you've been my crush since we were kids.. I could never bring myself kiss anyone else"

"I wish I would've known" He scratches the back of his neck.

"What for? I think our first kiss was the best, it couldn't have happened better, honestly I have no regrets" I laugh.

We stayed at that beach until sunset, the way the sky looked was beautiful. The breeze got colder and I was glad Quil thought about bring the extra blanket. For our first date I think it couldn't have gone any better, although in the back of my mind and small thought lingered and pained me. Paul was that thought.

A part of my was pulled by him and the other by Quil and I didn't know what to do. I felt guilty for enjoying my date with Quil and simply didn't understand why I cared so much about how Paul might feel.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now