89: Time

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November passed by quickly, I went to school, hung out with Bella while she watched outside her window, I would talk to her about things in life, updated her on mom and how she was doing, I would tell her we love her and miss her and that we are here for her but she only listened while still looking out of the window. Saw Paul on weekends, dad thought it was a good idea since I could barely get some sleep through the week, it gave me a break from the constant night screams. Spent time with Emily as she went through this whole process, I helped her cook, and clean, I gave her my listening ear and full support.

December was okay, snow came in and I loved it, Forks looks beautiful covered in snow. Paul took me to see the beach which was also breathtaking. Dad and Paul went into the woods next to our house and cut down a tree, dragging it back to our house, we decorated the Christmas tree at my house and then help Sam and Emily with theirs, went ice skating in a lake, and for new years Paul came over to spend it with us since his parents didn't come home. What type of parents leave their child alone during the holidays? They weren't here all year long and they don't even bother to show? That made me furious.

January and the beginning of February were tiring . Bella was still in her chair, still having awful nightmares and not wanted to talk, she was doing the bare minimum to survive and it was killing the whole family. I tried getting in touch with Rosalie, Edward or anyone from the Cullen family but they went radio salient. I felt betrayed, they said they would be there for me, why the sudden change of heart?

Right now we are in the second week of February and dad was getting very very worried about Bella, he had been talking to mom about and they both agreed that maybe she needed to be with her and spend some time away from Forks.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now