56: Upset

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I finally got my dad to bed, he felt awful while I was full of rage. I had called Edward, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, Esme, and Carlisle at least fifteen times, none picked up. I was confused and sacred no one could answer my questions. The knock on my side window leading to the woods snapped me out.

"What are you doing here?" I slide the window open, letting him in.

"Felt you were upset, I just needed to make sure everything was okay" Paul stands in front of me.

"Bella left, she said some horrible things to dad and left" I sit on my bed, tears threading to spill.

"Why? what happened?" He rushes to me, wrapping his arms around me and pushing my face into his chest.

"I don't know, she spent the day playing baseball with the Cullens and when she came back, she was yelling and packing her things, and saying she needed to leave"

"I'm sorry" He rubs my back. "I'm here for anything you need, you and Charlie" He pulls away and stares into my eyes. "Okay?"

"Okay" I sniff. "Can you stay?"

"Of course" He smiles, we lay down and just stare at the ceiling and enjoying each others company.


Rolling over in my bed I felt a strong grip pull me back into a warm chest. I quickly open my eyes, but relax at the memory of Paul staying over last night. I turn back to face him and admire his face, he's very handsome and less annoying while he's sleeping.

"Paul" I whisper, but I was only greeted with groans. "Paul" I shake him a little.

"yeah?" He says in a grumpy tone.

"You can't stay all day" I giggle .

"Mmm why not?" he opens his eyes.

"Because my dad can come in any moment" I roll my eyes with a smile, the Paul suddenly picks up his head.

"He's in bed"

"How do you know?"

"I can hear him snoring"

"I wish my hearing was as good as yours"

"You can't hear him?"

"Not really, I hear faint noises but that's about it"

"Well I wish I could fly, it most feel amazing"

"It feels like when you run, the air hitting your skin, moving your hair and the smell of fresh air filling your nose"

"It's the best feeling"

"Agreed, now stop changing the subject and go, I need to make breakfast" I slightly push him.

"Alright fine, but I'll stop by later with lunch" He gets up.

"Oh no, please" I nervously laugh and stand up with him. "You don't have to do that" I put a string of hair behind my ear.

"Oh no, it's okay, I want to" He opens the window.

"Thank you.. for everything" I peck his cheek, making both his and mine heat up with the smallest touch of skins.

"Anything and everything for you"

"Ew Paul that's so corny" I laugh and cover my mouth.

"Way to ruin the moment" He chuckles and shakes his head, he watches me giggle for a while longer but then jump out of the window, and I lean over the edge to make sure he's okay. "I'll see you later"

"Bye Paul" I smile.

"Bye Y/n" He smiles back and runs off into the woods.

I closed the window and though of last night, yes it was a horrible night, but Paul and I? there's definitely something there. I don't know what's happening or if he even feels the same way and for all I know this could be another trick to finish off his bet. But honestly? this feels different, it feels honest and real, I could be wrong but I'm hoping I'm not.

"Good morning sweetie" Dad walks into the kitchen.

"Good morning dad, I made scrambled eggs, sausage and toast with butter also coffee for you" I turn around with two plates and a smile.

"Thank you" He kisses the top of my head.

"I'm sorry dad, I hope you know she didn't mean that" I frown.

"It's okay, not you fault" He smiles but the sadness in his eyes lingered. "Now let's eat before it gets cold" He says in a funny voice.

"Okay" I giggle.

Paul Lahote x reader x Quil AtearaWhere stories live. Discover now