Chapter 9 - Don't Ask Questions

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Inna POV:

We all exit the house. Alyona picking up my sleeping bags and possessions as to make it seem like I was never there at all. Climbing into the car. I break down crying. Alyona puts my stuff in the boot and rubs my back in comfort before hopping into the front seat.

We drive away from the house. I sit silently in my broken state. Their eyes all flashing before me. My sadness turns to anger, tearily I scream to the two people in the front seat.

"Why?" I look at the review mirror. Andrei's emotionless eyes focused on the road.

"What was the mission?" I scream.

Alyona looks over the streets, not paying attention to my desperate screams. I scream all the way home.

We arrive at the house I had previously thought of as home. It somehow looked evil. My throat sore from the screaming I stopped, slowly walking up to the house, looking down at the floor. I walk into the house and go immediately to my room. I flop onto my bed, I just lay there. Wishing that what had just happened was all a dream once more.

Alyona and Andrei both come into my room. The bed slightly dips as she sits down. I sit up and Andrei joins on the other side of me.

"What was the mission?" I ask again, my voice barley over a whisper.

"You know better then to ask questions." Alyona states.

"Tomorrow we head back to the Red Room." Andrei sighs.

I look to him, with tears in my eyes, pleading that they don't take me back. He joins my eye contact for a few moments before getting up and leaving the room.

I look to Alyona with the same expression. She gives me a small smile before getting up as well. She puts me to bed, turns out the lights and leaves.

For hours I lay in the dark room. Sleep threatens however I know as soon as I shut my eyes that nightmares will follow. It is only when sleep comes over me in a wave too big to save myself from that I helplessly fall deeply asleep.

I wish that my sudden and deep sleep had prevented my nightmares however they just seem to come anyways.

Their limp bodies, there lifeless eyes, the whole room that is filed with murder all comes back. I stand in the room unable to move as I watch the whole ordeal happen again and again. The bang of the trigger seems to get louder and louder every time.

Shaking I wake to not my room. Rather an empty dorm. I relies that I am no longer in the pink pajamas that Alyona had brought me rather the thin piece of material I used to sleep in. My hand chained to the bed I look around.

Had they all died while I was away?

Was I the only one left?

These thoughts swirl in my mind. Taunting me, eating me inside.

The infamous click of heels against the concrete floor come closer and closer to the large metal door. The swing open to reveal Madame B once more. She looks down at me, "Glad you're awake Zakharov."

My stomach sinks at my last name. They only call you that when you are being punished.

"Training," she simply states before turning away and leaving through the large metal doors.

I change into my gear and head down to the rooms. On the way there I walk past many other classes in the hall. Every class I meet I always look for a familiar face. Anyone who was in my old group. I come up empty.

Entering the room a trainer I have never seen before stands next to the punching bag. Correcting my posture I walk over to her. I skip off my black sneakers and socks before standing next to the punching bag.

"You may begin." she states in a robotic like way.

I precisely punch and kick the punching bag. Each movement sharp and rapid. After ten minutes of the exercise. She states, "Halt." I do so. Catching the bag as it swung before standing feet together, back straight and chin up.

"Sloppy." A familiar voice says, the heels click against the wooden floors of the training room as Madame B joins the trainer in front of me.

"Again," she chimes, the trainer exits the room. Leaving me with Madame B watching my every move.

I train at the punching bag for hours. Madame B standing at the edge of the mat and critiquing my every move.

Madame B finally let's me take a break, my breath heaving in my lungs.

She starts to walk out of the room, her heels suddenly stopping at the door. "Come," she simply states her heels beginning to click once more.

I follow her, walking down hallways I had never seen before. Instead of the old varnished wood the walls change to a more metal like structure. Exposed beams of wood create the ceiling. She opens a set of metal doors.

Washing over me like a wave, the smell of antiseptic. I walk into the room. A thin gown lays on a metal bench in front of me.

Madame B stands in the doorway. "Take off your clothes and shoes, lay down in the bed and wait." She turns on her heels closing the door as she walks away.

I comply, folding my clothes and putting them at the foot of the metal bed. Hopping up the metal freezes my exposed arms and legs.

I lay there for what feels like hours, the white ceiling showing a multitude of cracks and chips.

Until someone comes in with a thick needle in their hand. The substance is thick and a sick olive in colour. I sit up, only for the person, covered in PPE to force me back down again. The liquid goes into right thigh. I scream in agony, as the liquid pulses through me.

I start to loose control of my body, I feel my heart beat quicken, my arms and legs start aimlessly thrashing around me. My nine year old body twitching out of control.

This goes on for several minutes. Banging my body against the table, bruises and cuts form on my body. The crimson blood, creeping down the side of the metal bed.

Eventually, my body stops twitching, I stop trashing about and I fall into a deep sleep.

(Time skip: Inna had been moved to the medical ward. It has been two hours)

My eyes slowly flutter open, a steady beeping pulsing in my ears, I turn my head to see a heart monitor. I sit up, nausea taking control of me so I fling myself back onto the stiff pillow.  My whole body aches, my muscles feel tight, my brain feels like it is about to explode.

I shut my eyes in an attempt to block out the pain, or at least try and control it. I am distracted by the clicking of heels walking towards me. I open my eyes to see, the lady with the high bun and evil smirk on her neutral face.

"Well done Zakharov, you survived the Black Widow Serum." She simply states before walking back out. Leaving me once again alone in the room.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Any feedback, questions or comments are highly appreciated.

Have a good rest of your day/night/whenever you are reading this

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