Chapter 20 - Loud Thoughts

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Inna POV:

I sit in the dark room I had confined myself to, looking at the door only partially disrupted by my view from behind the metal table, the two corners of the wall hugging my shoulders. Distant chatter followed by the thumps of foot steps grew louder and louder. I chewed the inside of my lip, thinking about all of the people that would be coming onto the jet. All of those people probably close to Natasha... What will they think when they find out I... I tried to kill her? The thoughts cloud my mind, wondering what will happen to me... I shake my head trying to clear my mind, digging my nails into my palms.

The pain makes me remember my roots. It had only been a couple of weeks and I had already forgotten? I scolded at myself, as lights suddenly flooded the dark room I was in. A figure stands in the light, their stance unreadable as they raised their arms, they hands positioned out of view in the silhouette. "Your thoughts are very loud..." they start a unfamiliar accent lacing their voice. "I'm sorry... I," I start, before stopping, the room filling up with silence. "Can I turn on the light?" The figure asks, their hand already placed on the wall.

The overhead lights floods the room, I shift in my position trying to further hide in the corner. The figure walks towards me, her footsteps slow as she almost glided towards me. Her clothes were a little bit big for her, a long cardigan flowing behind her in a cape sort of way, while her snow boots thudded against the tiled floor. She stood a comfortable distance from me, putting her hand down in the edge of the metal table, before bringing them up towards herself again. She looked at me, a warm smile consuming her face, but the rest of her didn't match her face. She picked her fingers and her hair was stuck to her head, the oil in it thick. "We won't hurt you..." she started, her head slightly tilted to the side. I looked away from her, gathering myself before I looked back up at her, "How can you promise that?" I asked her.

She gave me a weak smile, "We are not those kinds of people," she gently told me. Before taking a deep breath and asking, "So, who are you?"

"I thought you could read my thoughts," I smiled back at her, raising my eyebrows.

"You're not thinking about who you are, and your thoughts are no longer screaming," she told me. My eyes darted aimlessly around the room. What am I supposed to say? I looked up at her, my words catching in my throat, looking back down again I pinched the side of my hand, rolling the skin in my grip. "Would it be better if I just saw?" She asked me, holding her hand out towards me. I looked back up at her, my eyebrows furrowing as I open and close my mouth several times, deeply exhaling through my nose every time my lips met each other again. "I'm Inna." I finally announce, my hand meeting hers.

Suddenly, my eyes roll to the back of my head, my entire lives memories flickering past in a great spiral of death. I release the figures hand, my shoulders slumped as I bowed my head, the memories consuming me. I shake, the figure slightly stumbling back. "What did you do?" I asked her my voice sounding excessively accusing. I stood up from my position, walking towards the door before realising, I couldn't leave the room. "Please leave," I tell the figure who hasn't even told me her name.

The figure bows her head and turns towards the door. I stumble back into the corner, my hands raking through my hair. She's going to tell everyone... My thoughts swirl, and I start to spiral. The door swings open, a more familiar person stands in the door way. Natasha. Her face showed great signs of worry, she rushed towards me, "Are you ok?" She asked me. I started to tremble before remembering that I could not let my emotions show, I had already been so naive with the person before I must not do that again with Natasha. I mask myself, "Yeah, I am fine," I say with a fake smile. "I just like the peace," I say trying to find a fake reason for me sitting in the corner. Ny smile grows wider and my head slightly nods. "Inna..." Natasha starts, warning growing through her voice. I furrow my eyebrows on fake confusion. "Don't push your emotions away..." Natasha tells me, before her voice quietens, "Or me... I have already missed so many years if your life. I don't want to miss any more."

"Ok." I reply not really paying attention to what she was saying. I look up at her, my face  showing a deadpan emotion. "And I know the people out there, they won't kill you," she tells my, her eyes pleading me to get up. I broke eye contact with her, "Ok." She gave me a soft smile, "You don't have to meet all of them today... but there is one person that I would most like you to meet."

"Ok," I told her for the millionth time. We both raised from our positions on the floor.



I haven't updated in a while so I thought I needed to do something.

I am not entirely happy with this but...

Have a good rest of your day/night/whenever you are reading this!

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