Chapter 21 - Meet...

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Inna POV:

I walked behind Natasha as we exited the small dark room. Going through the next room Natasha walks in front of me due to the small size. Blinking a couple of times to help adjust my eyes to the greater light, the room around me changes, no longer walking I now sit on the old worm out seats of the projecting room back in my training complex. A large projection of Natasha is shown on the wall in front of me, the air around me seems to be flooded with bits of debris turning down the visibility. Madame B stands at the front of the room next to the large projection of Natasha. "This is Natalia Alianovna Romanova she turned down her people, she ran away from her home, she thought she was finding her place in the world when we know that..." Madame B paused her poisonous words lingering in the room as I chanted along with numerous other girls, "I have no place in this world." Madame B gives the tiniest of smirks in approval before continuing, "The Americans filled her head with lies and even with all of her training... she believed it. So, now that you are all getting missions you will be closely monitored to ensure the safety of the mission and the world, because all the Americans do is create war!" She finished what she was saying, the frozen image of Natalia started playing, it was security footage of a white hallway filled with guards Natalia taking down every single one of them, she kicked and punched her way through the halls. Madame B spoke again, "This is footage of Natalia compromising the entire nation, this nuclear facility was left without security for several days, it would have been easy for anyone to send a nuclear attack on us at any point. Natalia was with the Americans trying to start a war." A force suddenly was applied to my shoulder, blinking a few more times I find myself back on the jet in the room with Natalia, her hand being the weight in my shoulder. Her eyes were filled with... worry? She just stood there scanning me in complete silence. I can't believe that I was so naive to think that these people were good all Natalia was looking for was a weakness she could use to her advantage. I was not about to become prey.

I bowed my head, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, as we headed towards the door, especially not if the lady from before was still here. I clenched my jaw together, why was I being so stupid? My entire life I have been trained to be apart of the effort of making the world a better place, yet here I was standing on a private jet with my enemies around me and I was treating them like friends. I would no longer be their prey. I raised my head and looked around the room we walked through to get back to the main area. The room was small and only had one door on opposite sides of the room, so it was not great escape wise.

We went through the door, the lighting brighter and the room more full of life. I looked around the room every single person's eyes landed on me the second the both of us entered the room. This room was the largest of the rooms however it being a jet it was still quite small. The group of people lined the walls of the jet, all of them were off in their own worlds before Natalia and I had walked in.

A tall man stood in the corner, his honey blonde hair catching in the light, his shirt looked about three sizes too small. His hands were situated at his hips and he was the first to speak, "Hi," he announced with a smile looking at Natalia. Before his gaze shifted down towards me, "I'm Steve, Who are you?" His voice became very serious, very quickly.

"I'm Inna," I announced, stiffening my shoulders my jaw locking in place. "She is my daughter..." Natalia told the group before her voice trailed off. Looking around the group they all looked battered and bruised. Without warning a third man, who was the only one sitting down, most of them leaning against walls, loudly gasped. His black hair, accompanied by pale green eyes that were wide with astonishment. "Black Widow has a daughter?" He exclaimed very loudly before continuing at an amazingly fast pace, "I'm Scott, I have a little girl too! Her name is Cassie, but she is my little jellybean, she is my whole world! And she is nine years old now would that be close to you?" I just looked at him, it amazed me that he could have so much love for someone, that he was able to just ramble on about them.

Another man spoke up, walking closer to us, a partial goatee displayed on his face, his hair a darker shade of blonde. "Tasha I thought...." He muttered.

"So did I.. I'll explain later, Clint," She replied matching his volume and tone.

A final man speaks up, "Ok, hold on. You have a kid now?" His left hand was released from his crossed arms and gestured at me. A large purple bruise under his eye, I pondered about the fight the group must have been through to have all of their cuts and bruises. The man raises his hand once more at me once he notices me unintentionally staring at him, "Sam," he introduces himself. The woman from before buts into the conversation, "It's nice to meet you, Inna." She says with an unreadable expression, her head slightly tilted to the side. Natalia speaks up once more, "Wanda," she said giving her a nod. Natalia moves from her position beside me, going back into the room we had just walked through but with the guy who called her 'Tasha' known as Clint, apparently.

I quickly moved from my position once Natalia had closed the door behind her and Clint. I beelined straight for the seat closet to the exit. Everyone's eyes still focused on me, "So..." Steve started, looking completely lost for words, "Where have you been all this time because..." he extended his right arm towards me, "You don't look like you were born yesterday..." he finished slightly moving his head around to try and justify what he was saying. I quickly thought about telling them the truth, however I don't know how they would react. "Orphanage," I tell them, which technically is the truth but not the whole truth.

The entire mood of the room fell, everyone gave me sympathetic looks apart from Wanda who just tilted her head at me and squinted her eyes.


Hello again!

Sorry I haven't been very active lately... but welcome to 2022! I hope that everyone had a safe holiday season.

I am really appreciative of all of you who have taken the times out of your lives to read this! I hope that you have been enjoying the book!

Any and all interactions with this book are highly appreciated!

Have a fantastic rest of your day/night/whenever you are reading this <3

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